Blaming the dollar?

Sun, 07/20/2008 - 5:55pm
By: carbonunit52

According to the US Federal Reserve, the dollar has dropped by around 65 per cent against the Euro, 31 per cent against the British Sterling, 45 per cent against the Canadian Dollar, and by 59 per cent against the Australian Dollar over the eight-year period since June 2000.
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Submitted by kikenbutt on Sun, 07/20/2008 - 10:20pm.

have anything to do with our dollar dropping? I've been reading up on this situation and am unable to locate anything on this beyond the latest link.

Here is a link on this subject. Would love a discussion on this topic. and the latest

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 8:42pm.

get some attention is the plight of the dollar on a global scale. There are some very educated people on this site that could shed some light on the subject, because what I have been reading does not sound too encouraging.

Submitted by kikenbutt on Mon, 07/21/2008 - 8:40am.

Do we protect our currency with another war?

Global Research Articles by Mike Whitney February 4, 2008

"Despite the lack of media coverage, tensions are mounting in the Gulf and the probability of a US-led attack on Iran is still quite high. Bush is convinced that if he doesn't confront Iran, then no one will. He also believes that if he doesn't militarily defend the dollar, then America's days as “the world's only superpower” will soon be over. So, the real question is whether Bush will realize that America is already hopelessly bogged-down in two “unwinnable” conflicts or if he will “go with his gut” once again and lead us into a ruinous region-wide conflagration."

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