sherwood: Two sides to every story

Remember, school systems do not respond to the "ugly" comments made about it and it's personnel. Things were handled appropriately.

sherwood: Crude Profanity

If you are offended by the crude profanity used by certain recent users, please email the webmaster. Ask that the posts be removed.

sherwood: Power Outage?

Does anyone know why the electricity went out last night? Was it a storm or an equipment problem?

sherwood: PTC Fire and Rescue

Thank you PTC Fire and Rescue! Your response time is fantastic. Your professionalism is outstanding. Your personnel is the best.

sherwood: Purple Ribbons?

Why are there purple ribbons tied to the street signs in the subdivision at the end of PT Parkway.

sherwood: "big racial shift"

I hope that no one thinks that this is "new" news.

sherwood: Decided to Homeschool

Who didn't see this kind of "not in my backyard" kind of mentality when it came to redrawing the school lines.

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