The Truth Will ...: Operation Can You Hear Us Now -17 October 2009

Mark the day - Oct. 17th, 2009

Take time to exercise your 1st Amendment Right to peaceful protest.

I'm sure your local media ignored local Tea Parties to a large extent. Well, why not take the party to them, NATIONWIDE, around the NATION?

The Truth Will ...: Election Humor

Election Humor Great Idea - Found on news network online:

On Election Day call your local Obama headquarters and tell them you need a ride to the polls and they will come get you .

The Truth Will ...: Stop The Brainwashing of our Youth!

My Student is completing college applications this month, and a few of the schools we are applying have professors listed on the Petition Supporting Ayers. We are not eager to put our precious child or our monies into any of these colleges/universities that have professors that endorse/support Ayers or his kind. "We are paying" for our children’s education and I can assure you our hard earned monies will not go to a university where one of these radicals could end up with our child in their classroom to try to brainwash, intimidate, or issue failing grades!!. I am scanning the list of colleges with Ayers endorsements and my family will know which ones to stay clear of. Contact your colleges and demand they stand up for our children, demand they remove these “so-called” educators”, and demand they stand up for America by denouncing these radicals with their troubling behaviors, beliefs and past! DITTOS: read below. Money Does Talk! America is Not for Sale to Radicals or Socialism!

The Truth Will ...: Obama is off to Hawaii this week? Ummmmmm?

Hawai’i Supreme Court asked to issue emergency writ opening secret Obama birth files
October 20, 2008 by andymartinny

The Truth Will ...: Chicago Against Obama - Hillary Supporters Raise 8 Million for McCain/Palin

Front page of Chicago Against Obama
All I can say about this, personally, is that the McCain/Clinton alliance is under-estimated and under-reported.

The Truth Will ...: Gotta Love Joe The Plumber!

Gotta Love Joe The Plumber!! He says it all in one minute!

The Truth Will ...: Never Find Out - Nice Try Senator!

Nice Try Senator!

The Truth Will ...: Obama what are you hiding from the American People?

BHO could you please produce to the America Citizens these documents before the election?
Your Occidental College records

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