thenatural: It is good to be home

It's been two and a half years, but I finally made it back! After being exiled for all that time, first to the east coast, and then to the west, finally, I fought my way back "home".

thenatural: Picking on High Green


You make good points about the work done by local law enforcement fighting crime in the county. That is their job is it not? That is exactly why they are given the tools they have. I admire them for the job they do, I appreciate the job they do, but that does not mean that I think that blind loyalty is the answer.

thenatural: Veto by the County

PTC guy you almost got it. Your point about the town of Tyrone being largely responsible for the annexations and resulting problems, is valid. Unfortunately this insistence to enlarge their boundaries is not confined to Tyrone. However, trying to blame the School Board for overcrowding is incorrect. Are you aware that state law prohibits the building of schools "in anticipation of growth?"

thenatural: County "veto" of annexation

This is all about land use plans. The land use plan currently in place for Fayette County (and the cities) was set in place with input from all parties.

thenatural: Free Speech run amok

I was really appalled by the attack on Greg Dunn and Linda Wells in Free Speech this week.

Although I am fairly certain the author

thenatural: Tax Fairness

The letter published by Virgil Fludd is another attempt to cloak a political agenda in "mom and apple pie". Fairness is allowing everyone who chooses to particpate in the political process to do so. That is precisely what we have now.

thenatural: Ok I'll bite

PTC Taxpayer I will bite. What exactly do you mean by safeguarding? You seem to have fun publishing this stuff, but yo

thenatural: Senior Village

I enjoy a good intellectual discussion. Mr. Morgan makes some good points, and it may indeed be moot since the project appears to be moving to Griffin. There remains the larger issue here that is the real core of the matter. This is not about rejecting senior projects. It is about a developer coming into a community with a state wide reputation for an outstanding quality of life and suggesting that they know what is good for the community. It is about a developer who spent hours meeting with some of the commissioners explaining the proposal in detail INCLUDING the 12 proposed ordinance changes written by, and tailored for that developer. I am sure that you are not suggesting that developers be allowed to write ordinances.

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