County "veto" of annexation
This is all about land use plans. The land use plan currently in place for Fayette County (and the cities) was set in place with input from all parties.
In unincorporated Fayette County the land use plan is structured to have an infrastructure in place that is keeping pace with the population growth.
The plan is derailed when a city, in order to increase its' tax base to feed the engine of government, annexes and invariably increases the density of the use of the property. The result is more homes, more people, more cars, more kids in the schools, than what has been planned.
Is this not precisely what most people in the county complain about now? The current law allows for the cities to annex and all the county can do is protest. The county protests, the annexation goes forward, the density increases, the traffic inceases, the schools get more crowded and everybody seems surprised and wants to blame the county for the "uncontrolled" growth.
I looked at the county commissions voting record as it relates to compliance with the county land use plan. It reflects a philosophy of strict compliance with the plan even when may be unpopular or politically expedient. By contrast, both PTC and Fayetteville have shown very little regard for the land use plan.
This bill would at least provide a mechanism for some checks and balances that, at least currently, do not exist in this county.
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