No new swamp on Flat Creek Course?
- Spattered by upset neighbors, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may back-pedal out of a public relations swamp over creating a wetlands area on Flat Creek Golf Course in Peachtree City.
Hwy. 74 uncertainties cloud one expansion plan
- Peachtree City planners are concerned about
up-front consideration for rights-of-way for widening Ga.
Highway 74, but one property-owner on the highway
doesn't think he should alter his expansion plans just yet.
Sewer plant gets backup generator
- A long-awaited mega-generator for Peachtree City's
Line Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant has been delivered
and should be up and running by Nov. 1.
Truck stuck, driver gets stuck with drug charge
- An Atlanta truck driver ran out of luck last week as he crossed the railroad tracks at Kelly Drive in Peachtree City and found himself arrested.
PTC historic committee meets Monday
- Peachtree City's Heritage Historic Preservation
Committee plans to meet Monday at 7 p.m. at the library
to discuss restoration of the city's gravesites.
The Taxman Cometh: More than 40,000 property tax bills mailed this week
- If it's the middle of October, Coweta County Tax Commissioner
Tommy Ferrell knows his phone will start ringing.
Schools get wired
- By the beginning of next year, all of Coweta
County's classrooms will be equipped with at least one
computer workstation.
Commission: home business should conform to intent of law
- The Coweta County Commission will take hard look
at home based businesses after a lengthy discussion
Tuesday afternoon.
Water woes create headaches for Coweta's leaders
- A water war is quietly brewing among three Southeastern states, and its
outcome could affect water supply in Fayette and Coweta counties.
School board building projects on schedule
- As Coweta County gets ready to build two more schools
next year, operations director Doug Bennett told the Coweta
County Board of Education Tuesday night that current projects are on
Attendance Lines
- Although the school year is relatively new, the Coweta
County Board of Education is already planning for next year with
an issue that is near and dear to many parents' hearts-attendance lines.
Chamber Post Office
- The Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce announced
this week that it was notified by Sen. Paul Coverdell that the U.S.
Postal Service is longer considering moving the downtown
Newnan post office.
More than 2,000 attend EMC's 52nd annual meeting
- For the first time in its 52-year history,
Coweta-Fayette EMC held its annual meeting on a
Saturday afternoon, giving members an opportunity to
bring their families and enjoy an old-fashioned
country fair atmosphere.
MHS parent on football story about Chiefs: 'Boylan, don't call it Notes; call it Opinion'
- Mr. Boylan, when you write about the McIntosh Chiefs'
next football game, please change your paragraph heading from Notes
to Opinions.
'Get over it; we are sick and tired of this'
- I am sitting here looking at your editorial pages for Sept. 25.
Eight opinion columns, all excoriating the President. Not one with
any hint of an opposing opinion.
Lady Cubs finish stellar season
- The Fayette County Middle School Lady Cubs finished an
extraordinary season last weekend. During their ten game
long regular season, the Lady Cubs faced all the Fayette and
Henry County middle schools and went undefeated.
Softball season hits end of the road
- It feels like the softball season just started and already we
have been forced to say goodbye to some teams. The McIntosh
Lady Chiefs, the Sandy Creek Lady Patriots and the Starr's Mill
Lady Panthers played in the state sectionals this past weekend.
They were playing for an entry into the state tournament. They were
playing to not go gentle into that good night called the off-season.
Where your team is playing tonight