Jordan keeps the peace at his salvage yard When downtown businessman Robert Jordan appeared before the Fayetteville City Council last week, it wasnt to complain. Extended hours at City Hall help citizens, environment Since January, Fayetteville City Hall has been open an extra hour and a half each day, extending its hours to run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. OK to burn again after rain The temporary outdoor burning ban enacted for unincorporated Fayette County, Brooks, Woolsey and Tyrone was lifted Thursday afternoon. Shopping center sign changes to be regulated The Fayetteville City Council has tweaked the citys sign ordinance, adopting housekeeping changes at its meeting last week. Student art contest deadline May 8 Students in Fayetteville schools are being invited to participate in the Fayetteville Celebrates America art contest. Gun locks offered by Fayetteville police Free firearms safety kits are available at the Fayetteville Police Department through the Project Childsafe program. Brown happy sales tax bill is passed Peachtree City Mayor Steve Brown was elated to hear the news on Thursday morning that legislation promoting funding equity for Special Purpose Local Option Sale Tax (SPLOST) had passed both chambers of the General Assembly on the last day of the 2004 session. Mayor Brown stated, This is the most significant piece of legislation affecting cities in the past decade, and it goes a long way in promoting fairness in government. How close will you come? By Rev. JUSTIN KOLLMEYER Pastor Ive always said that someday Im going to design a church to fit the natural instincts of most people. The main element will be pews on a conveyor belt. When people walk into the church, there will be only one pew available - in the BACK, of course - just where everybody wants to sit! Then, when the back pew fills up, the whole pew would move to the front on a conveyor belt, and a new empty pew would pop up in the back for the next group of people
and so on. Allow the Lord to guide you By MARY JANE HOLT Contribuing Writer There is no other way to say it except to come right out and admit I went bar hopping. I've always wanted to do it. I've dreamed of being a fly on the wall and hearing all the sad tales that the bartenders hear. I've wanted to rub shoulders with all the lost souls that wander in and out of such dark and dreary places. |