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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

The fan-friendly side of professional sports

Professional sports buzzed in and out of Fayette County last week, albeit under the radar.

See all those trees? Ever wonder whom all that belongs to?
Georgia Forestry Commission

Ever wonder who owns the forestland in Georgia? Is it national forests? Does it belong to the state? Of the 37 million acres in Georgia 24.4 acres is in forestland. That's two-thirds of the state. Would you believe that 72 percent of the forestland in Georgia is privately owned?

Bills help church schools, buying American and 10 Commandments
Mac Collins

This past week, I had the opportunity to meet with a representative from the Georgia Association of Christian Schools. During our meeting, the representative expressed support for the Equity in Education Act of 2003 (H.R. 872). H.R. 872 would ensure that employees of a church, which sponsors a religious school, can continue to use the qualified tuition reduction on their federal tax return.


Central office pay goes up, while schools suffer

I am writing this letter anonymously for the obvious reason that I am employed as a teacher in the Fayette County School System. I have just read the Sunday edition of your paper and I am livid after reading the article about the decision of the Board of Education to increase the millage rate.

Restaurant's passing leaves dark shadow

For many years I was a regular customer at Shadows, the quintessential American restaurant in Peachtree City. Here, one could find savory pancakes and hash-browns that surpassed the quality of any competing restaurant in this locale. The serving size was definitely generous. I used to get a half order of hash-browns that were surely a bountiful culinary delight.

Helicopter peeping? Maybe the problem lies elsewhere

As much as I sympathize with Ashley Watson's loss of her beautiful mother Beverley, and the fact that her father is the one convicted of her mother's murder and is sitting in prison, for the life of me I can make no sense of her complaint other than pure animosity toward the Fayette County Sheriff's Department for their role in the investigation of her mother's murder.

Youth Challenge Academy excels at helping teenagers

I believe the National Guard Youth Challenge Academy is a great program. Our son is graduating this weekend in Macon as well. We have seen a tremendous change in our son, Joseph, in regards to focusing and working towards the goals he has outlined for his life.

Bible has been used and misused through millennia

Bravo to Mr. Keith Turner ["In rights debate, definitions have changed," The Citizen, Sept. 3] for his fascinating journey to a land of slanted impressions posing as definition. It must be nice to live in a place where you get to set the reality, pose the premise, and pre-load the conclusion. As minister for propaganda at his own little bastion of prejudice, I don't suppose he gets many opposing viewpoints. Well, here's one for you, Herr Turner!

Confusion reigns on issue of Jesus and his 'tolerance'

Ms. Dixie Eska-Thedra [Letters, The Citizen, Aug. 20] is laboring under some serious misconceptions about Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself.

Is God really OK with sexual sin? I think not

This letter is in response to the letter by Jeff Ellis [The Citizen, Aug. 14]. Jeff stated that just as white people finally started to accept black people for who they were instead of rejecting them for the color of their skin, that we should also accept gays in the same manner. Jeff stated that God is a loving God who loves all of us just as we are.

Need to do less quoting, more living the Word

Good grief! After reading some of the articles and letters concerning the recent vote to confirm Gene Robinson as an Episcopal bishop, I daresay we are in for a shortage of millstones.

Restaurants, public refuse to address smoking health issue

In response to the letter asking why I question the level of responsibility already shown by some of our area's restaurants, it is from painful personal experience and observation.

PTC home to too many irresponsible dog owners

September is here, and although we did have a very mild summer compared to years past I am pleased to feel the mild chill of a fall morning. With the kids back at school, joggers, walkers, bikers and runners have come out in full force in the surrounding neighborhoods. The freedom of being able to move at our own pace in whatever direction we choose on endless paths and neighborhood streets all around our community is a great privilege.

Helicopter deliveries scare animals, upset rural residents

Several years ago we tried to rezone our land from five acres to two-and-a-half acres and from agricultural so someone could build on the lot. People came out of the woodwork to complain, even though the lot next to us was two-and-a-half acres.

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