Wednesday,September 17, 2003

PTC home to too many irresponsible dog owners

September is here, and although we did have a very mild summer compared to years past I am pleased to feel the mild chill of a fall morning. With the kids back at school, joggers, walkers, bikers and runners have come out in full force in the surrounding neighborhoods. The freedom of being able to move at our own pace in whatever direction we choose on endless paths and neighborhood streets all around our community is a great privilege.

When I first moved my family to Peachtree City eight years ago, one of my fellow resident supervisors had this quote to share: "Laddy, each day as I drive back into Peachtree City from work I have to pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming." Eight years later I still share those same thoughts as I return home.

Each year as the community grows I have witnessed and have personally been involved with encountering unleashed dogs. Many different kinds of dogs, from large St. Bernard types to small beagle types. As you can tell from my description of these fine animals I am not up on breeds or species of dogs. I myself have felt my heart rate jump up a few notches.

The circle-back route, or change of direction, is becoming more familiar these days. At first I thought it was just coincidental, or bad luck. However as I travel to local spots of schooling and shopping I see others out trying to enjoy the morning being rerouted also. In each case to this point the bark and assumed playful chase (even though I have heard a few growls) has been the worst of it. No real mean dogs yet, just a nuisance to this point.

Most of these animals are unleashed with tags and collar. Where are the owners of these dogs? Are they sleeping in? When I do occasionally see an owner that clearly has no voice command over the pet, you hear these infamous words over the barks. "Don't worry, he or she is a nice dog."

It seems that even though most times these people are within hearing distance, I never hear a great deal of confidence in their voices. If your thoughts are, "This person is a dog hater," on the contrary. I like dogs. I do not love dogs; I love my wife and kids.

I hate the fact that some dog owners are not willing to care for the animal itself and the community. So why not just call the animal shelter, one may ask. I say keep the phone lines open to the animal shelter for a real emergency. I see some residents carrying golf clubs and or big sticks; that's not my cup of tea.

Should we start knocking on doors and getting the owners of these pets and their neighbors out of bed? I don't know about you, but I am not into creating more of a nuisance myself. So what is the solution?

For those of you who are responsible dog owners, My thanks go out to you. I see you each day also and have a great deal of respect for you. I am sure that some days you may get a bad rap, due to those who are not as responsible. For those who are not as responsible keep these suggestions in mind.

Just as you would check to see that the kids are buckled in before leaving the driveway, make sure the dog is secured safely at home also.

I am in hopes that you do not let your young children roam the streets and neighborhoods without supervision. If you do, I hope they have some knowledge of right and wrong. Does your dog have this knowledge?

Dogs are not humans. They get nothing from watching fireworks, parades, soccer games, baseball games, running events, Last Flings, spring flings, etc. If you do have to bring your pet to these events, please understand that voice command amongst hundreds of people is not likely to be the best option. Keep them on a leash.

I think that it is great that Peachtree City has developed a dog park. I hope it gets used.

If you are too busy to take time with the dog, other than when the whole family is on the move to an event, then you are too busy to have a dog.

Human residents create enough trouble around the community as it is. We do not need help from the dogs.

I must once again point this out. No matter how much you love your pet, it is not a human being. Let us all have respect for all creatures, be they human or pet. But help to keep Peachtree City from going to the dogs.

Jim Sutliff

Peachtree City, Ga.

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