Sunday, July 21, 2002

Voter registration deadline is Monday

Monday is the final day Georgians can register to vote in the Aug. 20 general primary, the Secretary of State's office announced this week.

Travis House repairs a possibility

Fayetteville officials are looking at a way to allow a rezoning applicant to renovate a historic downtown building while staying consistent with the city's zoning regulations.

Symphony comes to South Fulton

Fulton County District 7 Commissioner William "Bill" Edwards invites all Fulton County residents to a free outdoor concert featuring the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Next week's conference offers tips on doing business with Hartsfield

Business owners who want to learn how to get involved in the huge Hartsfield International Airport $5.4 billion expansion need to circle next Thursday on their calendar.

PTC Airport Authority gets grant to seal cracks on runway, apron and taxiways

The weather, plane traffic and who knows what else have left their marks on the paved runway, taxiways and aprons of Falcon Field.


A front-page story July 17 contained a mistake about an auditorium at Whitewater High School, scheduled to open in the fall of 2004. In fact, the new school will contain an auditorium. The auditorium will be built as part of the $23.3 million construction project, and the new school will open with a completed auditorium. It is the policy of The Citizen to correct errors of fact upon notification.

Police Blotter

God bless VBS!

Summer comes with many rites ­ traveling, swimming, vacationing, loafing, reading, playing, picnicking, sweltering, etc. But there's one more rite of summer that deserves mentioning, and it's one that ranks right up there at the top of all summer traditions ­ Vacation Bible School. What a great thing! VBS!


Right away you are thinking, "Summer slump, nothing to write about!" Some of that may be true, but "cussin" is a subject that bothers most believers and nonbelievers alike.

The miracle of caller ID
Contributing Writer

This story was recently e-mailed to me about a pastor who was working late on a Saturday night and decided to call his wife from the church. It was about 10 p.m., but his wife didn't answer the phone.

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