Sunday, July 21, 2002

God bless VBS!


Summer comes with many rites ­ traveling, swimming, vacationing, loafing, reading, playing, picnicking, sweltering, etc. But there's one more rite of summer that deserves mentioning, and it's one that ranks right up there at the top of all summer traditions ­ Vacation Bible School. What a great thing! VBS!

I know that Sunday School "was invented" in England in the late 1870s. That's only about 120 years ago. We think of Sunday School as something that has always been, but it really is relatively "new" on the scene. However, I don't know when Vacation Bible School came along. Maybe someone out there can enlighten me. I'd sure be happy to find out!

Regardless of its exact genesis, I know VBS has been around my whole life, and I know it has been a great tool in the recent history of The Church for both outreach and inreach. (Sorry for the "churchy in-speak" those are church terms for telling the story of Jesus to those who have not yet heard it, and for strengthening the faith of those who are Christians already.)

I learned last year how precious and important VBS is because, for probably the first time in my entire life, I did not go to VBS last summer. Our parking lot here at Prince of Peace was torn up for construction and big cranes were swinging steel beams all over the place, so it was impossible for us to have VBS. I thought I was going to "shrivel up and die" without my summer fix of kids and crayons and songs and skit, and growth in faith, and new converts for Christ! I survived by substituting other functions of ministry, but I sure missed VBS!

This summer ­ in fact this week ­ we've had VBS, and I couldn't be happier! I couldn't be more thankful! And I couldn't be more pleased with this great opportunity to be involved in something that is everything that is good about God and church! Boy, I love Bible School! Get the picture?

I am so thankful to God for using these wonderful days of summer to remind us of His great love for us! I am so thankful to God for using the joy and excitement of music and memory verses to get His Message across and out and in! Thank You, God!

And I'm especially thankful to God for the women, men, and youth who step up to the task of teaching, and helping, and pouring juice, and playing games, and singing songs, and telling Bible stories, and showing how to make crafts, and decorating classrooms, and counting kids, and counting cookies, and stuffing envelopes, and just doing what Jesus Himself would do if He were to run Bible School. I thank and honor ALL of you in our community who "put on" and "pull off" these fantastic fun weeks of getting a little closer to God and to each other!

So, if you've had Vacation Bible School this summer already, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you still have it to look forward to, you'll be blessed. I promise! And just in case you and your family haven't been a part of a Bible School this summer and probably won't be, don't let next summer escape without giving yourself this great big gift, wrapped in fun, excitement, and joy!

God bless VBS!

Kollmeyer is Pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Fayetteville, located on Hwy. 314 between The Pavilion and Lowe's. He invites anyone without a church home to come and try a Sunday worship service: 8:15 Early; 9:30 Contemporary; or 11:00 Pipe Organ Liturgical Service. This is a church for the whole family. Please come!

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