The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Why a lawsuit? Because taxes and government should be open to the public

As reported on this page, The Citizen has taken legal steps to let the sunshine in on judge-ordered secret tax talks among the governing bodies in Fayette County.

How the death toll can be justified

Last week I did a little soul searching vis a vis the horrible death toll of our campaign against terror in Afghanistan.

What's cool and what's not
Laugh Lines

From the first time the discriminating caveman chose a designer-label "club" for his woman, man has been preoccupied with cool and uncool. Whether it is today's status symbol SUVs or yesteryear's Model A Fords with the moon roof, we always want or do things for no other reason but to impress.


Hamrick off base on response to terrorism

You asked for feedback on your Jan. 9 [column by Dave Hamrick]. Here's mine: what were you thinking when you wrote this piece? Your opinion is so based on half-truths, innuendos and just plan factual errors, I hardly know where to begin my criticism.

We give anesthesia even to animals; why not unborn babies in abortions?

As a physician, I am always concerned about the level of pain my patients have. One group of people who never receive attention to their level of pain are unborn children.

Any thoughts on PTC sewer rates?

As much as you lampooned the defunct Georgia Utilities, are we going to read in your mouthpiece your critical comments regarding the [Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority's] proposed rate increase, by a now not-for-profit utility, in the support of an overpriced $15 million expansion, including a $1.2 million "Taj Mahal" office?

Enron is not the only disaster waiting to happen to Fayette investors

Folks in Fayette County, like the rest of the nation, have become more dependent upon future retirement incomes that are tied to 401-Ks, IRAs, SEPs, and the like. The Enron debacle may seem like a far-off Texas problem but believe me it isn't at all.

PTC doesn't need 'garish' new flag

Re the proposed design for a new flag for Peachtree City in the Jan. 4 Citizen:

Why a moratorium in PTC? Do your job, Mayor

I don't understand why the new [Peachtree City] mayor [Steve Brown] needs a 90-day moratorium when he said during the election that he was going to hit the ground running. Prior to the election, he always claimed to know in detail what was best for the city and criticized Mayor Bob Lenox for never doing things the way he thought they should be done.

Patience? How about compassion for teen

This is in response to the "Lack of patience can be tragic" letter. In my opinion the writer of that article needs to show some compassion.

To pick your candidate, just follow the money

If we believed everything we read in the newspapers, we'd soon come to this conclusion: political campaign contributions are given by people who hate to give them, and they're given to people who hate to ask for them. Ask any politician, and he (or she) will tell you how much he hates raising money. Ask lobbyists, and they'll tell you they give the money only because they have to. What gives here?

Islam is not a religion of peace: Read the Quran

I never expected my recent comments to raise such a ruckus. I am grateful, in this day of political correctness, to The Citizen for having the courage to print my thoughts.

Some definitions of Muslim, bigot, fool . . .

Muslim: Pertaining or belonging to the Nation of Islam. Arabic "one who surrenders (to God).

Muslim debate: Peace must be means and end

I feel deeply saddened by some of the recent letters to the editor that speak very poorly of Islam and Muslims. There are so many things I could say to debate these ignorant views, but I feel any such ideas will be tossed aside by some of the readers.

Will people believe lie about religious right?

Correspondent Stuart Shepard writes that a political attack is being prepared against the "religious right" for the upcoming election. What is the battle plan?

Story of civilians killed by bombing is suspect

An opinion piece regarding civilian casualties in the Afghan conflict, by Roberto J. Gonzalez, anthropology professor at San Jose State University, is making its way around the country. It has appeared in at least the San Francisco Chronicle and Atlanta Journal-Constitution since the first of the year.

More will come to see abuse in parents' smoke

Günther Rückl has very good points in his Dec. 5 letter ("Parents' secondhand smoke is really a form of child abuse"). Smoking around children can be child abuse if we use the criteria that if something hurts a child then it is abuse.

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