Wednesday, January 16, 2002

PTC doesn't need 'garish' new flag

Re the proposed design for a new flag for Peachtree City in the Jan. 4 Citizen:

Please, why update our Peachtree City flag? Why even consider such a garish proposal?

Changing the outline color for our silver anniversary was great. Adding the "Established 1959" might be fine. But please do not use our city's flag for PR or for advertising one of our many lifestyles.

The old logo is gentle; it has meant "Peachtree City and its wonderful, unique lifestyle" for many of us.

In Peachtree City let's focus on enjoying our days, our flag and the memories it holds, savoring our past, and stemming the flow of busy, adrenaline-pumping change.

Joan Houghton

Peachtree City


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