The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Choosing best 1 from the field of 5 in Tuesday's county race

It's election time in Fayette.

The dark side of the human condition

There is nothing that both horrifies and perplexes me as much as the capacity we humans have for murdering each other.

School system has a year of firsts
Math Coordinator, Fayette County Schools

[Editor's note: The following is the first in a series of monthly columns provided by the Fayette County Board of Education. This month's columnist is Kay Seabolt, the math coordinator for the Fayette County School System. She has been in education for 29 years. Her previous experience includes teaching math at the middle and high school level and being an assistant principal at Fayette County High School.]

To teach, or not to teach: Will I be seen as 'legitimate'?
One Citizen's Perspective

To teach or not to teach. That is the question.

Spamming the summer movies
Laugh Lines

The summer movie season is upon us, and every week I find another great movie coming out that I want to see. Here are my thoughts and recommendations on ones I have already seen and a few I am waiting to see.


A few young people make it tough on all

I am writing in response to a letter in The Citizen a couple of weeks ago entitled, "Teenage vandals making life miserable."

Go to meetings to keep PTC from becoming like Riverdale

I totally agree with Amy Riley ["Tales of traffic and the PTC bubble," May 30]. Frank Hyde [last week] made the comment, "What can we do about the expansion around Huddleston? Nothing."

Paper too often publishes first, checks facts later

Dr. Lazarus [in his letter of June 6] makes an excellent point. There is an absolute tendency to sensationalize reporting and then all too often, check facts later. How terribly unfair to people victimized by screaming headlines that may, or may not be true.

Mayor Lenox's final 2 years one big spending spree; red ink ahead for PTC

I flew into town from my vacation for the June 7 Peachtree City Council meeting. On the agenda under the heading of "New Agenda Items" was listed, "Discuss status of Home Depot/Wal-Mart projects." Do you think it happened?

'I will keep Fayette special'

Fayette County is special. But, any candidate will tell you that. So, I'll explain to you what I mean when I say it.

Memorial Day in PTC: Where was the mayor?

I attended the third annual Peachtree City Memorial Day ceremony with my son, his wife and his two children, and I was very pleased with the whole event, except for one thing.

Council members do their best

I have lived here some 25 years now and have watched this city grow into one of the most beautiful and sought-after places to live in the state of Georgia.

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