Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Paper too often publishes first, checks facts later

Dr. Lazarus [in his letter of June 6] makes an excellent point. There is an absolute tendency to sensationalize reporting and then all too often, check facts later. How terribly unfair to people victimized by screaming headlines that may, or may not be true.

It is the absolute responsibility of journalism to investigate fact; publishing anything based on pure allegation does a great disservice to all involved.

In my estimation, it prejudges a situation and this is terribly wrong! Our entire system of justice is predicated on innocence until proven guilty, not the exact opposite, as your reporting would frequently lead us to believe.

Yes, it requires infinitely more legwork and fact chasing, but is this not the challenge of good journalism? I, for one, certainly think so.

Earl Eubanks

Peachtree City

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