Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Council members do their best

I have lived here some 25 years now and have watched this city grow into one of the most beautiful and sought-after places to live in the state of Georgia.

In all these years we have had the most level-headed group of people serving on the council and as mayor. They did their best to improve the lot of the citizenry and make this city the pride of all the people. They did well.

I can say that I know personally of the people who enhanced the beauty. Fred Brown made us proud, as did Councilmen Dan Lakly, Jack Barret, Bob Brooks, and more that I don't bring to mind at present.

I am proud to say here that I am personally acquainted with Councilman Dan Tennant, council ladies Annie McMenamin, and Carol Fritz, who is in the Kiwanis Club with me. At times we sit side by side where we chat about current events. Let me say unequivocally that there is not one ounce of ego in the three of them. They try to make this town a better place to live.

I am not personally acquainted with Mayor Lenox, but there have been times when we have felt it necessary to call on him for help in our quest for assistance to disabled veterans. We have found him to be a gracious person, willing to give a boost to any cause that benefits mankind. He has never turned us down. Neither has Jim Basinger, Jim Williams, David Rast, or any more of the good people who guide us through these years of growth. I have the utmost respect and admiration for them and the good job they are doing for us.

This is why I am so perplexed at some disgruntled female who is trying to become a writer and don't know how, wants to accuse our officials of having an ego when it's this writer who has the ego. I think we need to burst her bubble, don't you.

Frank Hyde

Peachtree City

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