The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Witness: 'A. K. popped him'

A witness said Karl Bryan Hodge shot drug dealer Adolf Stubbs as the two drove in an SUV later found abandoned and burning in Fayette County almost two years ago, according to testimony in Hodge's Fayette County murder trial Tuesday. The murder was the result of a drug deal double-cross, witnesses said.

Land use vs. historic house

A new land use plan for the area around Ga. Highway 74 at Redwine Road will get its first test Thursday, and the fate of Fayette's second oldest home is at stake.

Courthouse/jail bids to be opened

Design work on a new jail and courthouse complex for Fayette County is complete and bids are currently being received from construction firms that want to do the job.

Unhappy parents push for Kedron school redistricting

Students from Kedron Hills subdivision in Peachtree City are feeling left out, according to Maria Kachadurian, a parent who lives there.

Tax equity battle heats up; Cities vow to go to court

The smoldering fires of disagreement over tax equity in Fayette County have flared up again as local city officials prepare to take legal action in the controversy.

May-Peeples house rich in Fayette history

Just 11 years after the formation of Fayette County, a man named Druery May built a two-story house at the corner of what is now Redwine Road and Ga. Highway 74 south.

Hecht scrambling on last day of session

As the clock ticks down on the 2001 session of the Georgia General Assembly today, Fayette's Sen. Greg Hecht is engaged in a last-minute flurry of activity in hopes of getting some more of his bills passed.

Commission to vote on fire impact fees

Fayette County commissioners Thursday are expected to adopt the ordinance that will govern collection of impact fees to help pay for fire services.

Fayette not yet to become a judicial district

Despite rumors to the contrary, there appears to be no current push to make Fayette County its own judicial circuit.

School board rejects Friday start for 2002

There will be no Friday start date for Fayette County schools in 2002.

Board adopts school council plan

Plans are in place to put local advisory councils in at least three Fayette County schools.

Planners eye expansion of Whitewater

Fayette County Planning Commission members don't have a problem with owner Robert Brooks' plan to add 127 acres to the Whitewater Creek community.

Teachers' dismissal policy delayed

The Fayette County School System isn't quite ready to move forward with a non-renewal policy for teachers.

Fire Department hoping for space on proposed Sprint tower in Brooks

Like everything else, the need for emergency communications towers in Fayette County is growing.

Pre-school registration planned

Pre-school registration for the 2001-2002 school year will be April 19 from 9 - 11 a.m. and 4 - 6 p.m. at the following schools: Burch Elementary, East Fayette Elementary, North Fayette Elementary, Peachtree City Elementary, Tyrone Elementary.

Kindergarten registration set

Kindergarten registration for the 2001-2002 school year will be at the elementary school in your district April 19 from 9 - 11 a.m. and 4 - 6 p.m.

Local students' oratory wins Optimist contest

Four Fayette students placed in the Optimist International Oratorical Contest for Zone 10 recently at the Fayette County Public Library.

Natural gas discconection moratorium ends

The Public Service Commission is urging consumers and natural gas marketers alike to be aware of their responsibilities as the end of the commission's moratorium on natural gas disconnections approaches.

Police Blotter

ARC sets open houses on transportation plan

The Atlanta Regional Commission is planning a series of open houses on the fiscal year 2002-2004 Transportation Improvement Program.

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