The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Planners eye expansion of Whitewater

Fayette County Planning Commission members don't have a problem with owner Robert Brooks' plan to add 127 acres to the Whitewater Creek community.

But commissioners wonder whether plans for 63 homes on one-acre lots, with about 50 acres devoted to green space and flood plain, are in keeping with the Planned Unit Development zoning that developers are seeking.

Clayton Gilley of Cypress Development and Becky Moore of Integrated Science and Engineering presented plans showing the homes arranged like most subdivisions, but surrounded by green space. Plans include adding the acreage to Whitewater Creek's existing PUD. The PUD designation allows developers to build on smaller individual lots but requires them to show creativity in designing neighborhoods that make use of green space, amenities and varied lot sizes.

The plan also would allow homeowners in the new section to be members of the Whitewater Creek Country Club.

But commission member Jim Graw said the developers should reduce the number of homes and vary the lot sizes, and possibly include a recreation area devoted to the new area, before he will consider a PUD designation.

Engineers said they would redraw their plans before returning to the commission. The matter will be on the commission's April 5 agenda. The meeting is at 7 p.m.

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