The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

ARC sets open houses on transportation plan

The Atlanta Regional Commission is planning a series of open houses on the fiscal year 2002-2004 Transportation Improvement Program.

The ARC and its planning partners: Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, Georgia Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Fayette and the nine other ARC counties, and the city of Atlanta are cosponsoring the events.

This is a time for you to review and comment on transportation projects before the ARC Board releases the draft TIP for an official 30-day review and comment period in June.

The closest meetings for Fayette residents will be:

Wednesday, April 11 at Fairburn City Hall, 56 Malone St., Fairburn, 4 ­ 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 12 at the Decatur Library, 215 Sycamore St., Decatur, 4 ­ 7:30 p.m.

Monday, April 16, at First State Bank, 4809 N. Henry Blvd., Stockbridge, 4 ­ 7:30 p.m.

For information or directions, phone ARC at 404-463-3272, TTY at 404-463-3272, fax at 404-463-3254 or e-mail at or view the Web site at HtmlResAnchor

If you have any translation or accessibility needs, phone 404-463-3272 by March 26.

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