The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Fire Department hoping for space on proposed Sprint tower in Brooks


Like everything else, the need for emergency communications towers in Fayette County is growing.

Jack Krakeel, director of the county Department of Fire and Emergency Services, told the Brooks Town Council that, due to a change in federal regulations regarding frequencies used by fire and safety officials, the current tower on McDonough Road would not be sufficient. In its place six towers will have to be erected, he said.

Due to discussion underway between the town of Brooks and Sprint Communications Corp. concerning the erection of a cell tower, Krakeel said he hopes the county will be able to use this tower. Sprint had originally said its tower would need to be 250 feet high, but Krakeel stated that a 300-foot high tower would be needed to have direct connections with the other five county towers.

Sprint representative Jeff Evans was present and said the company would be amenable to that arrangement.

Sprint spokesman Steve Greenburg asked for a stay in its request to place a tower on the Ga. Highway 85 Connector, due to another site under discussion. The stay was granted.

In other business during the Town Council meeting last week, Shane Blalock requested permission to build a new house directly behind his current house, and would give a certified letter to the council guaranteeing the razing of the old house as soon as the new one was complete. Permission was granted upon receipt of the certified letter.

A reception for Robie Lynch, retiring from the Water Department, is planned for Monday, March 19.

It was announced that the Brooks Town Festival will be Saturday, May 12.

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