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Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Could've been better; could've been worse

As George W. Bush continues his first week in the Oval Office and Bill Clinton moves into his posh offices in Manhattan (far away from Hillary), many are wondering and posturing on how history will view the Clinton era.

Parents, teachers vote down 'Everyday Math,' except at 2 schools
One Citizen's Perspective

On Jan. 22, the Fayette County Board of Education was presented with recommendations for math textbooks. New textbooks for elementary, middle, and high schools are expected to be voted on during the February meeting of the Board of Education after being tabled for 30 days for public comment.

Stressed out, I recall my desk
Laugh Lines

Many years ago, before the days of cellular phones and rolling blackouts, I was in school, and I had a desk. I specifically remember my sixth grade desk because it was the first one that had a storage area.


State flag foes base arguments on a lie

The problem with [Monroe Kelly's] argument against the state flag is that it is based on a lie the lie that the Confederate soldier fought to preserve slavery and therefore anything that honors the Confederacy is racist.

Which flag should we ban? How about Stars and Stripes?

In response to Monroe Kelly's letter to The Citizen, it seems to me that before The Citizen can "continue to educate people on this matter," you must first educate yourself.

For justice's sake, city courts ought not be profit centers

There is a statement in a letter attributed to our county commissioners that I find so outrageous I cannot leave it unchallenged.

Mayor protects developers, not residents

[Mayor Bob Lenox,] I just read your article in [Peachtree City government's newsletter] January UPDATE 17 times, and it still doesn't make any sense to me at all! It is, without a doubt, the most advanced example of convoluted, disjointed, self-justifying, male bovine fundament-based logic I have ever read in over 53 years of life! That was just to set the tone of this communication. Now I will get specific.

Create voting districts in PTC

Councilmembers, unfortunately, I have another commitment and will not be able to attend the discussions concerning chnages to the city charter. I would like to pass on some thoughts on this issue for your consideration.

Ashcroft frightens loony left

I am absolutely flabbergasted and incredibly offended by the pompous piety of Democrats in the U.S. Senate as they conduct an inquisition of Attorney General Nominee John Ashcroft. He was attorney general, governor, and senator from the great state of Missouri, the Show Me State, and home of Harry Truman, likely the most blunt President in history. No one has ever alleged that he did not enforce the law as written.

Story of false child abuse allegations again disturbs local doctor

It was with some degree of shock and disbelief that I read John Munford's article on the front page of your Friday, Jan. 19 edition. I am asking for your assistance in whatever way in clearing the record. As you know, I have previously written to you, as well as to your reporter, Monroe Roark, with regard to these false allegations which were made against me over two years ago. I am at a loss to understand why at this time Mr. Munford chose to reopen this story in a way that is so potentially damaging to me and my family. In particular, I am unclear as to why Mr. Munford chose to go to press with this without any sort of interview with myself.

Insistence on 'witnessing' as means of evangelism is simplistic, often wrong-headed and off-putting

Everytime I read something like [Dr. John Hatcher's recent] column, which says that the main purpose of Christians is to convert nonbelievers, I feel a mixture of anger and frustration.

Fayette is generous to seniors

I want to thank all the people of Fayette County on behalf of the seniors who benefitted from your generosity through Fayette Senior Services' "Project Love." This is our seventh year for this project and you enabled us to provide meals to our clients at Thanksgiving, Christmas and for winter "Snow Days."

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