Wednesday, January 24, 2001

State flag foes base arguments on a lie

The problem with [Monroe Kelly's] argument against the state flag is that it is based on a lie the lie that the Confederate soldier fought to preserve slavery and therefore anything that honors the Confederacy is racist.

Consider these facts:

1. Most Confederate soldiers were poor farmers, who did not own slaves.

2. Robert E. Lee was against slavery and freed the slaves that he inherited while Union General U. S. Grant was a slave-owner.

3. Thousands of blacks fought for the South and there were also free blacks who owned slaves.

It angers me that I can't attempt to honor my brave Southern ancestors without being labeled a racist. The bottom line is, this is the South and the majority of Georgia residents support the current flag.

Roy W. Butts

1st Lt. Commander

S. V. C. Camp 79



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