Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Ashcroft frightens loony left

I am absolutely flabbergasted and incredibly offended by the pompous piety of Democrats in the U.S. Senate as they conduct an inquisition of Attorney General Nominee John Ashcroft. He was attorney general, governor, and senator from the great state of Missouri, the Show Me State, and home of Harry Truman, likely the most blunt President in history. No one has ever alleged that he did not enforce the law as written.

Ashcroft is being vilified for everything from agreeing that the Second Amendment is actually in the Bill of Rights (which it is) to his unabashed confession that he is a believing Christian who sings hymns while he jogs.

These Democratic charlatans on their holier-than-thou perch certainly have much to be concerned about. Unlike his predecessor, Janet Reno, Ashcroft will actually enforce the law as written instead of turning a blind eye to campaign violations by the President and his administration as Reno did. The only people her Injustice Department went after were law-abiding citizens like Bill Gates and Microsoft, legal businesses such as the tobacco companies that provide a product sometimes harmful to citizens but only if they smoke, or people who harassed her boss at appearances he made.

Each and every time that Clinton campaign violation allegations came up, Ms. Reno refused to even appoint an independent council to look into the matter even though Charles LaBella and Louis Freeh, of the FBI, thought one was warranted.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's behavior, (the M should stand for Manslaughter) takes the cake. I wonder if Kennedy would have gotten away with causing the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, who was a passenger in the car he was driving, allegedly under the influence of alcohol; leaving the scene of the accident; never attempting to save her life by diving in after her; or failure to report an accident until eight or so hours after the fact if John Ashcroft had been the attorney general of Sodom and Gomassachusetts at that time?

In addition, these 18 leftist groups protesting Ashcroft's nomination have pilfered $150 million of taxpayer money in order to promote their left-wing causes. One thing to remember for all you Palm Beach voters, an attorney general cannot change a law that he doesn't like. He, or she, is only allowed to enforce the law as written or turn a blind eye to them. Reno turned a blind eye and Ashcroft will not. That is the reason why he is being opposed by the lunatic fringe of the left.

Can you say Attorney General John Ashcroft? Get used to it. He will be confirmed and will do an outstanding job for one simple reason: he is a Christian and his God demands that he be compassionate, consistent, fair, and firm in all cases that come before him, with no exceptions. He will do just that.

Kevin D. Arnold



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