Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Create voting districts in PTC

Councilmembers, unfortunately, I have another commitment and will not be able to attend the discussions concerning chnages to the city charter. I would like to pass on some thoughts on this issue for your consideration.

Changing the city charter is a serious matter and must not be taken lightly or done without substantial citizen input. Consider having at least two public hearings on the charter and invite our elected state representatives to attend. Since they will have to bring the revised charter to the legislature, they should hear, first-hand, what the citizens think about any proposed revisions and not just hear the opinions of the mayor and council members.

Also, suggest you consider a referendum on the proposed revised charter, perhaps in conjunction with the mayoral election this fall. City council members are elected to represent the people; how better to find out what the people want you to do on their behalf?

One change I would recommend is to district Peachtree City and have some of the city council seats designated to represent those districts as opposed to all seats being at large. This should reduce the cost of running for election and hopefully attract more qualified candidates who otherwise would be detered by the cost of a city-wide campaign. This would also give the citizens a specific council member to go to for issues representing their district and the city in general.

Bob Brown

Peachtree City


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