Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Which flag should we ban? How about Stars and Stripes?

In response to Monroe Kelly's letter to The Citizen, it seems to me that before The Citizen can "continue to educate people on this matter," you must first educate yourself.

You seem to suggest that our current state flag is "always at the forefront of every racist and hate group in this country." I don't think our state flag is popular enough to be flown at a racist rally in, let's say, Wyoming.

I have a feeling you're talking about the Confederate flag. If so, you are correct, the media seems to zoom in on the Confederate flag being waved at nearly all these hate group functions.

What you don't see much of is the waving and flying of our "Stars and Stripes" as well. So, based on your analysis of a reason to get rid of our state flag, we should also get rid of "Old Glory."

In addition, the Confederate flag was only one of about 150 battle flags flown during the Civil War. Should we consider these flags also?

Dale Lakeman


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