The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, September 27, 2000

Congress is where rubber meets road

What's the worst thing that could happen Nov. 7?

Drivers ed courses are good option
One Citizen's Perspective

Parents everywhere live with an underlying dread, a mind-numbing whisper of foreboding, that they will one day get that call in the night the call that will shatter their world when it reveals to them that their child has been involved in a terrible accident.

Buckhead is a class lesson
Laugh Lines

I have never been an evolutionist, but I do subscribe to the idea of survival of the fittest in a lot of ways. And that is precisely why the Buckhead nightlife scene is thriving and no one will ever kill it.

Letters to the Editor

PTC Council goes for high density yet again

Is it possible, "Here we go again!"

ECCA seeks support for performing arts center in old Carmike Cinema

As many of you are aware, the Endowment Committee for Cultural Arts of Fayette County has been actively searching for a facility that would serve as a center for the arts in Fayette County.

NBC disappoints many in its brief coverage of Fayette band

I am writing to express my disappointment in the NBC television broadcast coverage of the Olympic Marching Band during the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The international band comprised 2,000 accomplished student musicians from 20 countries. Most of the musicians were high school age. The band members have been practicing and raising money to finance the Sydney trip for well over a year. Nearly half of the band came from the United States.

Sandy Creek students lack performing arts facility

I was so glad to see [Michael Boylan's column Sept. 13] on the need for performance space for community theater groups.

PTC ignores rail danger to proposed new school

The mayor of Peachtree City along with council members Brooks and McMenamin have begun an unprecedented display of supercilious deeds that will increase traffic and send our county school system to even lower depths. Last Wednesday's vote on the Katz property and the failure to reappoint Planning Commission member Willis Granger should serve as a call to action for all parents in Fayette County.

Country is on the wrong course

I am very concerned these days about the state of our country. As I read the local paper and Internet news stories, I see several articles that make me question how this country got so far off course from our founding fathers.

God sometimes uses jackasses...

Concerning the Aug. 30 letter, "Owe no man anything but to love him," by Penee Rowland:

We have some great libraries here

Of all the grand American institutions I made firsthand experience with since my relocation from Europe 12 years ago, the country's public libraries are my favorites.

What genius designed this mess?

Who's big idea was the re-configuration of Ga. Highway 92 and Jimmy Mayfield Boulevard? Do you really think this was the answer to the traffic problem?

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