Wednesday, September 27, 2000

God sometimes uses jackasses...

Concerning the Aug. 30 letter, "Owe no man anything but to love him," by Penee Rowland:

This startling "revelation" from God, as the individual claims, must have been a lightning bolt shock experience to have come to that realization!

God can use a jackass to speak to anyone if He so desires. He doesn't need our "Come not near me for I am holier than thou" attitude to get His Truth out.

It seems like Penee Rowland is suffering from a delusion of "I'm way up here with my religious garb and jargon and you Hooters people and homosexuals are way down there, you squirmy, little worm."

Christ said, "I have not come to call the self-righteous (people who think they are already good enough) to repent, but sinners." And Paul under inspiration said later that some of us were adulterers, thieves, homosexuals, drunkards and idolaters, but we were washed and sanctified by the blood of Christ.

The Bible said that these people who pretend to be Christians are self-deceived, their worship of God a farce, and they give only lip-service to their religion. All their religion is a pretense to cover up a wicked heart. And they will receive the greater condemnation.

Some people don't know God from third base. The only legitimate prayer that anyone can make is: "God be merciful to me, a sinner." May God bless us.

Norm Barlow


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