The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Home Page
Wednesday, May 3, 2000
McLean to cook up "American Pie" in PTC
A long, long time ago..., almost 30 years to be exact, a man wrote a song that spoke to a generation and nearly guaranteed that every story ever written about the man would start the same way that this one did.
Play to bring Fayetteville to 'London, 1642'
The scene is the Globe Theater in London. The year is 1642. The Puritans are threatening to tear down all of the theaters on charges of blasphemy and members of the theater company, which has performed all of William Shakespeare's plays, are trying to decide which piece by the Bard will be their last.
Quilters Guild of the Southern Crescent to put on first quilting show
During the three years that the Quilters Guild of the Southern Crescent has been in existence, the group has accumulated more than 70 active members, but has not put on a quilting show.
Keep that television on
Last week was Turn Off TV week, and let me just start by saying “Yeah, right.”
The future so bright I've gotta wear shades
Imagine never having to buy another pair of sunglasses for the rest of your life!
Bonsai festival comes to Atlanta this weekend
Bonsai (pronounced bone-sigh) is a complex and ancient art form, but you don't have to be an art critic to appreciate the spectacular beauty of trees grown in miniature.
Annual adoptathon returns
Four local humane organizations will participate in this year's national “Pet Adoptathon,” sponsored by PETsMART and the North Shore Animal League, this Saturday and Sunday.
Friends of Fayette County Public Library celebrate Shakespeare's birthday
All the world's a stage... and the Friends of the Fayette County Public Library have put the great William Shakespeare center stage.
House Red Theater Co. brings wedding to Baci
The House Red Theater Co. presents an interactive dinner theater experience called, “The Farmer-Butz Wedding.” The show will run on every Monday in the month of May at 7 p.m. at Baci Italian Cuisine in Fayetteville.

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