The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

To: Members, Development Authority of Peachtree City
From: R. Scott Bradshaw
Re: Reasons for my resignation from the DAPC

I submitted my resignation from the Development Authority of Peachtree City effective this date and owe you an explanation because of your kindness during my tenure on the Authority. Your sense of commitment as individuals and your willingness to spend many thankless hours on Authority business are a decided asset to the Authority. Another strength of the authority is the strong unity of purpose and compatibility that exists within the group. My sense is that my resignation will make it easier for you to maintain unity of purpose and compatibility in resolving the issues and problems facing the Authority.

Authority should fire director, then offer their own resignations

It's clear now, even to the willfully blind, the Development Authority of Peachtree City (DAPC) is incapable of managing its own financial affairs. And it's similarly clear that the Authority's executive director is out of control. He should be fired forthwith.

Conservatives differ in views on government, business, immigration
Chief Economist
Small Business Survival Committee

Those of us who call ourselves conservatives obviously agree on a wide range of political, economic, cultural and philosophical issues. If we didn't, conservatism would be meaningless. However, this doesn't mean we agree on everything.


Griffin Tech pioneered ESL classes in Fayette

This letter is in response to your reporter J. Frank Lynch's article entitled, "Local church leads the way with English outreach to immigrants." His story was about the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at the First Baptist Church in Fayetteville.

With realistic prices, Shadows' recipes live on at new location

As one of the owners of Mike and C's, I felt that a response was in order in regards to "Restaurant's passing leaves dark shadow" [Letters, The Citizen, Sept. 17].

Kourajian runs in PTC

[Editor's note: The Citizen will publish candidacy announcements and letters from or about candidates and their positions on the Letters pages. Such letters will be printed until the week before the elections. In the last issue before the elections, no letters will be printed that raise new issues or charges; only previously raised issues or replies to those issues will be printed that week.]

Price announces for F'ville #1

On Nov. 4, 2003, the city of Fayetteville will have an election for Post 1 on city council. This year a new candidate with fresh ideas will be available for the voters choice. Wilson Price is that candidate.

City budget crunch can be traced to four causes

Peachtree City has a new budget for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, and the city's running a deficit.

Tennant's financial history includes filing bankruptcy

I attended the Sept. 4 Peachtree City Council meeting at which the FY 2004 city budget was voted on. Council member Dan Tennant voted against it, then read a prepared statement explaining his reasoning. His attempt was to convince us he isn't playing politics and is fiscally responsible. That's just not the case.

Tennant: I made mistakes, but learned from them, too

Divorce is a very difficult thing to endure, not only the actual process, but the aftermath, particularly when children are involved. I went through a painful divorce in 2000, but have subsequently married a wonderful woman, Robin, and "inherited" a terrific stepson, Shelby. Robin, Shelby, my two young sons and I have created a very happy and fun-loving new blended family. Regrettably, my relationship with my ex-wife is still strained, and that is very unfortunate.

Crash landing story slanted

As usual I am shocked at the slant reporters and editors tend to put on their stories, in particular the quote by [Peachtree City Fire Chief] Stony Lohr that indicates the airplane that crash-landed was a "flying gas tank."

School board must place children's safety at top

I have been watching the controversy over the school busing with great interest because I have a 5-year-old grandson that goes to school and he has lost his ride.

PTC's cart path system going to the dogs . . . and cats, too

I agree with Mr. Sutliff in that the path system in Peachtree City is going to the dogs. When we moved to Peachtree City in 1984 there was much more appreciation for the cart path system and people showed that appreciation by keeping their animals on leashes.

Bible contradictory on many issues, can be taken differently

Congratulations, Mr. Hoffman, for countering my letter with the most elaborately Southern and almost painfully simple "love every one and help them along to Christ" motto-ridden letter.

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