Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Bible contradictory on many issues, can be taken differently

Congratulations, Mr. Hoffman, for countering my letter with the most elaborately Southern and almost painfully simple "love every one and help them along to Christ" motto-ridden letter.

First, I do not "wonder" how Christians relate to each other. To make this more clear, let me put it this way: Does two men having sex in the privacy of their own home damage me as a person or a Christian? Does it damage you? The answer is no. If you don't know about it and don't participate in it, then it has absolutely no consequence. And you shouldn't go peeking into people's windows and try to bring them back to Christ; that is highly un-Christian.

Second, I never mentioned interpreting the Bible to approve or condone homosexuality. And I should state here, I loathe people twisting my words around and taking ideas out of context. I simply meant that the Bible is a very contradictory work and certain passages might be interpreted differently by different people.

Third, in his way, Christ did exhibit absolute tolerance. He understood that people will sin and he tolerated that in them, but only after exonerating them. He did not peep into windows or worry about the small things in life. And even if a person was a sinner, Christ put that idea in the back of his mind and looked at the good in the person. He loved them all until the final moment if and when they denied him.

Maybe people should begin to take interests in their own lives instead of worrying about others. The world would be quieter and much more welcoming for all.

Dixie Eska-Thedra

Fayetteville, Ga.

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