Faith Hardnett - Board of Education Post 5

My professional experiences and educational experiences have more than prepared me for this position on the Board of Education.

Lee Wright - Board of Education Post 5

Lee Wright 2006

Dear Fayette County citizens,

I am seeking re-election to my Post 5 seat on the Fayette County Board of Education and ask for your support and vote in the Republican Primary Election on July 18.

Dan Lakly (R) - Candidate for Post 72, Ga. House of Representatives

Dan Lakly (R) 2006

Dear constituents, friends, and neighbors,

It has been my deep privilege to serve as your state representative during the 2005-2006 General Assembly. There were many bills and resolutions passed during this past session that will have an impact on our communities and I am writing this essay to point out some of the details of the most important legislation passed this year.

Kevin Madden (D) - Candidate for Post 72, Ga. House of Representatives

Kevin Madden (D) 2006

Dear friends,

I’m a small-business owner who decided to get involved in politics because I was sick and tired of politicians at election time promising to do this and that, and as soon as they got to wherever it was they wanted to go, they attached themselves to whatever lobbyist had money to give them so they could get re-elected. I believe it’s time we put the “public” back into public servant.

The Citizen Election Forum continues July 5, July 12

As in past years, The Citizen is again opening its opinion pages to candidates for contested local and locally-decided political offices.

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