Dan Lakly (R) - Candidate for Post 72, Ga. House of Representatives

Tue, 06/27/2006 - 4:11pm
By: The Citizen

Dan Lakly (R) 2006

Dear constituents, friends, and neighbors,

It has been my deep privilege to serve as your state representative during the 2005-2006 General Assembly. There were many bills and resolutions passed during this past session that will have an impact on our communities and I am writing this essay to point out some of the details of the most important legislation passed this year.

• The eminent domain law was strengthened to protect the rights of property owners. Voters will have an opportunity to vote on the changes in the November general election.

• A very strong illegal immigration bill was constructed and passed. We are already seeing positive results. The number of day laborers waiting to be hired for menial labor, paid in cash,and avoiding taxes, has significantly diminished.

• Georgia now has the strongest sexual predator law in America that punishes and puts behind bars those who sexually abuse our children for a minimum of 25 years.

• Fiscally, Georgia’s rainy day fund is being replenished, and there is currently a $1 billion dollar-plus surplus, and taxes continue to be cut.

As your state representative it is my entrusted responsibility to act on your behalf, a responsibility I daily remind myself of when making these decisions throughout the year. That is why I value your input, strive to make the best decisions, and I am always mindful that I represent our community’s needs and interests in the process.

• When re-elected I will work with Governor Perdue to reduce the size of state government.

• Work to return the $1 billion tax surplus to the taxpayers, by eliminating the automobile tag tax and cut the state income tax by 50 percent.

• Work to redistrict Fayette County to ensure that a Fayette County resident represents the Fayette County seats in the General Assembly.

• Work to ensure that HMOs and PPOs are held accountable to their members, doctors and hospitals (i.e., Blue Cross-Blue Shield).

Should you have any questions or thoughts about any of the information presented, or about any other matter in which I may be of service, I hope you will contact me. My e-mail address is dlakly@mindspring.com and my phone numbers are 770-487-9884 (home) and 404-202-9811 (cell). Please be sure to check my Web site at www.mindspring.com/~dlakly for frequent updates.

Thank you for your support and participation in our time honored democratic process.

In your service,

Dan Lakly

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