Wells Smith Election: What's the End Game?

Spear Road Guy's picture

I really do enjoy reading most of the blogs on this site. I stress the word “most” because some of the correspondents are nothing more than blog bullies.

Come on now. Please let everyone have their say. I am certain there must be some kind psychological term for the repressed males that hide behind their alter ego blog names and come out to ambush bloggers with insults and innuendo.

Onto the real subject, the race between Wells and Smith depends upon who can get their supporters to show up at the polls. I have heard predictions as low as a 2 percent turnout. Any individual that is able to get 50 people to the polls could be a king maker. To the best of my knowledge, Sam Chapman never threw his support behind either of the candidates. Is Chapman telling everyone he’s taking his ball home so that no one else can play?

Anyone who knows Linda Wells will tell you that it’s her way or the highway. Tact and charm were never her strong points. I agree with blogger Old Goat that you really need to go to the meetings to get a feel for these people.

Unfortunately, Jack Smith is not a public figure and a very difficult read. If yard sign placement can be used as an indicator, Smith seems to be getting a lot of support from the development community. Why are the developers falling in with Smith?

One factor that few have addressed is would the county commission be too lopsided with Maxwell, Smith, Horgan and Frady aboard? Pfeifer has always been Chairman Dunn’s lap dog. Without Dunn’s lap to sit on, Pfeifer will be a puny and insignificant force on the commission. Wells could serve as a leveling force on the commission if re-elected.

Three new commissioners might think they have more of a mandate for change than the people would want. Herb Frady, insignificant on commission currently, has long fought with Dunn, Pfeifer and Wells. As the only veteran on the Dunn opposition side, Frady might be itching to move development issues into fast forward with the new kids on the commission just going along.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:09pm.

I am certain there must be some kind psychological term for the repressed males that hide behind their alter ego blog names and come out to ambush bloggers with insults and innuendo.

A real man would have never said anything like what you just wrote. I'm guessing you're really a frigid and frustrated female that doesn't like controversy or being challenged by someone who disagrees with you. I would also like to state that it appears that the "most blogs" that you enjoy are the ones you agree with and that support your candidates. By the way....how was Linda's Re-election Campaign Meeting with the Fayette Republican Women's Wine and Cheese Party Yesterday. I see you gals ran out and pounded a sign or two immediately after your get together.

Just my thoughts from a "blog bully".

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:17pm.

Dude, do you see your post showing up four times?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:19pm.

Yeah Buddy...had to respond four times. Look at the "recent blog posts" you'll git my point.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 2:23pm.

Ya, I saw that too.

Thanks for the conformation. Thought I was going to have to stop drinking and put the weed down for a while.

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