Ralph Reed. Why?

Can anyone tell me why they would vote for Ralph Reed? My central question to all this has been, "Why has he not given back the $4 million dollars he recieved?" If he knew now...I wouldn't have taken this business. Even the discredited politicians tainted by this, Nye & DeLay, have given back the money. Reed has been too involved in the political process to be able to hide behind, "I didn't know."

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 07/08/2006 - 9:47pm.

The leader of the so called Georgia Republican Grassroots Party. That proved out to be a joke. Reed, Westmoreland, Sonny and the rest of the pre-ordained candidates have ruined the grassroots movement in the party that made it the force it is now. But Bladderq you should take comfort in knowing they are driving off the base that built the party that took over Georgia. We, the former grassroots members are wondering about aimlessly. There are more and more of us all the time. So Bladder if you wait this out the Republicans will continue to emulate the Democrats and before long they will be able to merge the two parties together and the results will be....you win.

Submitted by bladderq on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 12:10am.

I haven't seen a dimes worth of difference between them at anytime. Sonny was a Democrat but probably couldn't see himself getting ahead, so he bolted. Lynn was always a Republican but since he can't give us the Bibles BIG 10, I don't guess we can expect him to tell us what the Republican's Principles are. Ralph is an opportunist that must have figured out he didn't have what it took to be a TV evangelist and has made a good living at politics. Cathy & the Big Guy? Come on, no one has ever run for office in GA promising to raise taxes and spend more on social programs. It's all been a big family fight.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 9:59am.

There are some differences. The trouble is there is way too much of th samem in both, even if from different angles.

I think we would be better off if the conservatives, of both parties, merged into one party, and the liberals, of both, into another. Then, at least, we would see some real differences.

But I still would like a 3rd party that actually stood for something.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Old Goat on Sat, 07/08/2006 - 4:27pm.

Why anyone would vote for REED. Ask the churches, they tell people who to vote for and I'll be darned if they don't, without a thought of who or what they have done. Just because they say they are Christen, don't make them one. Something to remember when you are voting.

Submitted by Eliza on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 12:03pm.

There is a long, indepth article online at GQ titled "The Sins of Ralph Reed".

Anyone who thinks he's the best choice for Lt. Gov. should read it. Unfortunately, I imagine most of the people supporting him let someone tell them who to vote for . . . I know that happens in Fayette County . . . I once had a lady tell me "My pastor has told me who to vote for" and she seemed very pleased that she was not required to investigate and make a decision for herself.

Submitted by Old Goat on Sat, 07/08/2006 - 4:08pm.

Greed, I believe is the answer. This guy hangs his hat with the wrong people, namely, as of late, ABRAMOFF...does that name make any bells go off. If not check out Lobbyists...

ManofGreatLogic's picture
Submitted by ManofGreatLogic on Sat, 07/08/2006 - 7:32pm.

In Georgia we all vote Republican. It's almost the law. Only Republicans are Christians, you know.

Vote for Ralph Reed?

I'd rather vote for Ralphie from "A Christmas Story".

At least we knew what he really wanted.

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