Let’s get together on immigration reform

Tue, 06/27/2006 - 4:37pm
By: The Citizen

By George Archibald

Arizona’s two U.S. senators and House members are at loggerheads on the immigration issue. They are a snapshot of the nation.

U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl and Rep. J.D. Hayworth want most of the nation’s 11 million illegal aliens and their 13-million family members who live in the shadows of our communities across the country in California, Arizona, Texas, and migrants all over the country, to be sent back to their countries of origin, mostly Mexico and Central and South America, where they would have to apply for re-entry to the land of the free.

Most people believe we need a better policy to protect our borders, but rounding up and kicking out 30 million people who are mostly good people, although undocumented aliens or whatever you want to call them, is unrealistic and wrong national policy.

U.S. Senator John McCain, a partner with Democrat Ted Kennedy on the immigration issue, and President Bush, seek a path to legalization and citizenship for most illegal aliens who have worked here productively and become assimilated into our society over many years.

This is where most of the country is on the immigration issue.

McCain has opposed and ridiculed the Kyl-Hayworth approach as “report and deport.” The phrase resonates.

It’s pretty stupid to believe you can force 30 million mostly good, hard-working foreign people out of our country for no better reason than the bureaucracy and politicians and nativists want them gone.

The business and agriculture community certainly disagree with the nativists and want a more sensible approach that allows hardworking foreign people who are the backbone of America’s service industry, who pick our vegetables and fruit, to become legal immigrants to our country, even if they got here against the rules. From the beginning of this country, people came here against the rules. That’s how the United States of America was built, since the 1600s.

The country’s ability to develop good immigration policy has been hijacked by nativists who have wrapped themselves in the flag after 9/11 and turned us back to the segregationist ways we rejected as a people in the 1950s.

This nativist assault against the world’s honorable immigrants to America is a huge mistake that we will come to regret many years from now, because it is changing the character of our country inherited from British Pilgrims who first came to this land in the 1600s. Why should we not continue to be the home of the free and brave throughout the world?

The biggest problem we face is not illegal aliens. It is a broken federal bureaucracy and socialist, big-government, high taxation mindset of many in politics who have proved unable to control our borders or process immigrant applicants properly in a timely fashion.

My family faced the same problem in May 1956, when we swept across the Canadian border with horseracing traffic over the Peace Bridge into Erie, New York, our household goods hidden in horse vans and trunks of five different cars as we made our way to Virginia as undocumented illegal aliens from England.

My family thankfully had help from wealthy horse owners in Virginia who made sure our paperwork got processed quickly by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, and we got our green cards.

But millions of people today — those applying from outside the country and foreign applicants already here — remain in limbo for months and years because the federal immigration bureaucracy is broken and inept.

There is little spirit of making it a priority to bring wonderful people to our country who will help improve our way of life, because too many government bureaucrats believe it is their job to block immigrants, hose down foreigners who want to come here, lay down as many roadblocks as they can, for whatever reason.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, offered an amendment to the Senate’s immigration bill to make English our national language, which was adopted.

But the following day, senators gutted the Cornyn amendment with a measure offered by Sen. Ken Salazar, Colorado Democrat, that just suggested English is our common language and negated all the enforcement language that English is really the language everyone should use in government business.

Sen. Johnny Isakson, Georgia Republican, also offered an amendment to block any guest worker program granting legal status to illegal foreign entrants until the secretary of homeland security certified to the president and Congress that border security provisions in the immigration legislation are fully funded and operational. The Senate rejected Isakson’s proposal by a vote of 55-40.

How is border security possible if it is not fully funded and operational, please tell me? Why does Congress want to continue sending billions of dollars to secure security and freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, but refuse to do the same to defend our own territory, our own borders?


The Isakson amendment should be adopted by Congress as law in the final immigration bill, along with the Cornyn amendment certifying English as our national language.

We should drop all the negative talk about so-called amnesty for illegals. This is nativist code language against would-be immigrants who are the very foundation of our country that has historically been a haven for good people seeking freedom and opportunity from anywhere in the world.

As the Senate decided, foreign residents who have been in our country for more than two years, regardless of their legal status, who have worked honestly and paid their taxes, should be put on a path to legal residency and citizenship so long as they continue contributing to the good of the order.

This is not amnesty. It is a way to offer opportunity to good people who contribute to our society and deserve a path to freedom, to pay tribute to good people who have made their way to our country and are contributing to a better society for us all. That is what built America from the beginning.

We need to get back to the character and spirit that built America and stop the forces who want to build a fence around our country to stop the quest of people throughout the world for freedom and opportunity. Why not let people vote with their feet, go where they want, and make the world a better place because of their productivity and family values?

George Archibald is a four-time Pulitzer Prize nominee and 23-year veteran national news reporter at The Washington Times who served briefly as communications director for U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl’s 2006 re-election campaign. He is also a contributing scholar with The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City (Penn.) College.

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Submitted by gailonesi on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 9:26am.

I noticed you mention your family came here illegaly, do you think it makes it ok? You also mention getting a green card only. Are you a citizen or not?
You may have some Pulitzer prizes but you don't know ...our...history. You state, " From the beginning of this country, people came here against the rules. That’s how the United States of America was built, since the 1600s." Anyone familar with a history book, knows this county was colonized. We didn't sneak across any border in the dead of night. People came here, learned the language and worked hard, or starved to death. They built this country for..US, their desendants to have a better life. They didn't have any rules that if you gave birth to a child here, the government saw it as a citizen and put you on welfare to stay and take care of it as now days. Don't you dare say we wrap ourselves in the flag since 9/11. It is our country and we have every right to say who comes and goes. 9/11 happened in part, because of this country's generosity and openness and look what it got us? You also try to paint all these illigals as honest hard working people. You don't know that, in fact, I would say no one knows what is crawling across our borders. For every one of these illegals, we do know, they are making it harder and harder for the Europeans who are willing to play by the rules, show all the documentation as to who they are, their past, and what they offer, to come here. There is just so much room here, or didn't you go to geography class either? And before you wrap yourself in the racist flag, let me explain that their are Spanish in Europe. You seem to put illegals rights on par with ours. We, and our ancestors, earned those rights for us, and they should not be taken away by a goodie two shoes like you.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 06/30/2006 - 3:51pm.

As it was said on SNL, “George you ignorant sl*t”.(Not sure I can use that word on here)

“but rounding up and kicking out 30 million people who are mostly good people, although undocumented “illegal” aliens or whatever you want to call them, is unrealistic and wrong national policy.”

Well I want to call them “illegal” aliens. Wrong national policy? Who made you king?

“and become assimilated into our society over many years.” Not yesterday, NOT last week, NOT last year.

That’s the general problem with this country for the past few years. We’ve been inundated with “illegal” aliens. Americans are the one being assimilated.

Has anyone seen an ATM in Georgia that has instructions in Italian, German, Polish or Japanese? NO.

On that subject why is it that I have to ALWAYS tell the ATM that I want instructions in English. It’s a G. D. computer. Why haven’t the banks programmed them to figure out that after 20 times Bob has requested instructions in English maybe he would prefer that language and STOP asking him?

Since you’re too lazy to do it yourself I’ll do it for you.
The definition of “illegal” is: Prohibited by law. What part of that don’t you get?

Does anyone know who many illegal immigrant al Qaeda we have in this country? What the He!! are our young men and women in the armed forces trying to do in some GOD forsaken place right now? This war on terror is coasting the American tax payer, not the “illegal” immigrants, 10 BILLION, yes Billion, a month. And you want to grant all 30 million “illegal” immigrants of them amnesty. How many of their sons and duaghters are over there defending this country?

Do the politicians really think the American people are that stupid? The party that grants 30 “illegal” immigrants amnesty automatically get 30 million voters on their side. So now it’s just a race with real Americans as the de facto loser’s.

Archibald goes on to say, “It’s pretty stupid to believe you can force 30 million mostly good, hard-working foreign people “illegal” immigrants out of our country for no better reason than the bureaucracy and politicians and nativists want them gone.”

I say its’ Archibald who is UGLY stupid to say we shouldn’t or can’t.

Archibald continues with, “My family faced the same problem in May 1956, when we swept across the Canadian border with horseracing traffic over the Peace Bridge into Erie, New York, our household goods hidden in horse vans and trunks of five different cars as we made our way to Virginia as undocumented illegal aliens from England.
My family thankfully had help from wealthy horse owners in Virginia who made sure our paperwork got processed quickly by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, and we got our green cards.

I say fine, lets start with sending your “illegal” immigrant azz back first! You obviously knew someone with enough money to BRIBE some local yahoo politician to get you a green card “illegally”! It sounds to me that the politics of immigration have been screwed since about 1956.

Just remember this, first we had the war on drugs. It became pretty clear that the politicians realized “look there is no way were gong to win this one so lets find something else to argue about, after pouring 10’s of billions into it and achieving nothing.

Now we have the war on terror. Anything look familiar?

Our brave sons, daughters, moms and dads are dieing every day for some non-winalbe war against an enemy half way across the world.
Let’s get our families back home, back together and get back to work. Everybody else, get the HE!! out!

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 06/30/2006 - 1:19pm.

I don't know where you got your stats, but most Americans want the borders sealed, illegals out of here and make them enter legally.

I service businesses that use a number of illegals. They do not do so because the need them due to lack of 'native' workers. They want them because they can pay them rediculously low wages.

They are illegal. They are criminals. So get off the semantics of trying to make them sound like any other immigrant, but just being given a rough time by 'nativist.'

Yea, I recognize what you are trying to do. You are trying to create a term to call all opposed you your view bigots, racists and so on.

American citizens are being harmed.

I came from farm country. They used migrant workers for work when kids where in school. They hired teens for summer jobs and migrants when their numbers were too small to do some kinds of field work.

Notice I said migrant, not immigrant? That means when their legal time expired they went home.

Now, the summer jobs are gone to the illegals. Their parents have lost jobs to the illegals.

Big business wants them? The same big buisness that is closing plants here to spend 3 billion in Mexico to open the same plants back up and get dirt cheap labor?

Do you REALLY think that if you legalize all of these they will work for the same wages? Once legal they will not demand minimum wage or wages or par with American workers?

Do you really think they will get paid those levels? Or that more illegals will not come in and cut their economic throats?

Do you really thing all these will want to stay here permanently? And those that do, are they really here to become Americans, or to set up Little Mexicos all over the place, where Spanish is the official language?

You see them flying the Mexican flag and not the US.

You and your kind are killing our nation.

Why? Because you are arrogant and see yourself above the fray of the 'commoners.' You see yourself as beyond the touch of such impacts on your overpaid positions.

No. Close the borders, punish those who hire them, take away the medical and SSI freebies they are getting and they will go home on their own.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by gailonesi on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 9:43am.

I am so with you. I remember migrant as oppose to immigrant. I too, remember seeing the kids with summer jobs in construction, etc. It is gone for them. I would like to see the troops come back and our problems here be taken care of first. This would help ..us... the local yokles..and our kids, have a better quality of life. We deserve that and to make our choices as to who comes to this country. It is ours.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 12:24pm.

Neither party gives a hoot about the Middle Class.

We are seen as disposable and are being disposed of rapidly.

The only potential party candidate I see that is saying anything sensible is Gingrich. And he is a lightening rod to many.

But at least he is fully aware of where we peons are on illegals, jobs and so on.

I believe there will be a 3rd Party within 10 years. And not a radical one like Libertarians, Green and so on.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by gailonesi on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 12:45pm.

You are right. The only people served by illegal immigration is big business. Bush is of the privieged class. What we fail to see is that these people represent..their..class, not ours. 99% of the citizens do not want these people made legal. Yet, both parties are going full steam ahead with their plans to ...MAKE... them legal, despite what we want.

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