
I sent an e-mail to Cinemark website a few weeks ago. They finally replied. Thier response below:

Dear Cinemark Customer:

I appreciate you taking the time to let us know of your concerns
regarding our Tinseltown theatre in Fayetteville. There has been much
publicized in the media about our theatre as of late, some of which was
not true. Our main concern was not with debating the media with what
was being reported but rather with ensuring that we have an extremely
clean and safe facility which our Customers can come to and enjoy with
their families. In fact our last two health inspections have been a 98%
(which was performed on 6/15/06) and an 83% which was performed well
over two months ago.

Even if you don't buy a ticket, feel free to stop by our theatre and
look around. Feel free to ask for a Manager on duty and they will be
more than happy to escort you around the theatre. I hope you will
become a Customer of ours again, and be able to enjoy a pleasant
movie-going experience in our theatre in the near future.


William R. Bolling

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kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 9:20am.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 6:53am.

Yep, I got the same reply.

Nope, I'm not going back to Tinseltown.

Oh, and here's my comment to which the reply was offered:

"You should simply pull out of Fayetteville, Georgia while you can. The theater is coming to be known as "Fecaltown" for its rat infestation and numerous public health citations. The management is pathetic. The place is a blight on the local area that attracts thugs. Best if the building were bulldozed and the trees in the area were replanted."


"Every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace."
--Duane Allman

Submitted by SoCalMama on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 8:19am.

Yup...got the same response here also.

My family will no longer be attending any show at Tinseltown...as far as I'm concerned, the place has already been bulldozed.

My solution? The Starlight Drive-In. It's fabulous!!!!! For the past 3 Friday nights (Over the Hedge, Cars & Nacho Libre)...hubby & I loaded up the kids and a few of their friends, lawn chairs, coolers and munchies and had great family time! It couldn't be beat! Kids under 10 are free and admission is only $6 a person. They show new releases also. After a long work week, this is a great way to reconnect as a family. We usually get there an hour prior to the show...we chat and play Uno. So much fun! Also....the patrons act like human beings instead of animals! Lots of families too! I HIGHLY recommend the drive in.


Submitted by ptcjenn on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 9:02am.

You can't beat it - the price is great but there's a lot more of a fun atmosphere there. People are there to enjoy themselves and watch the movie,not drift from room to room with a cell phone plastered to their faces, not watching the movie like at Tinseltown. Really, the sound in my living room beats the Tinseltown, my couch is more comfortable and I don't freeze at home. If I'm going to see a movie anywhere else, it's at the Starlight since it's so much fun - AND you get two movies for the price of one!

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 10:04pm.

Oh yeah, we should totally buldoze the place. All those black peop.. uh.. I mean thugs scare the crap out of me. Tinseltown = pure evil.

Submitted by fcteacher on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 8:48am.

Kohesion, There is a lot of crime in the Pavilion that goes unreported. It never makes the paper and probably never will unless it's somthing big. Back when the bowling alley opened (pre-Pavilion if I remember correctly) the crime started. I have a friend who's brother works for the county and I have heard the stuff that wasn't in the paper. Stuff that has made the paper are the car-jackings, the "divert your attention while I steal your pocketbook" method of theft, the nonstop shoplifting (I believe Walmart doesn't even prosecute the less than a felony theft because it costs too much), the car break-ins and car theft. It's a nasty place and I don't go there anymore. If you choose to shop there you need to be aware of your surroundings. Why do you think the sheriff's department has their helicopter survey the area the day after Thanksgiving? Be careful and draw your own conclusions about the area.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 5:17am.

Who said anything about "black people"?

Had you seen a history of my own posts you would understand how out of place your comment is.

The facts are that the crowds--white,black, purple or green--have become rowdy and rude, and the place is filthy. Crime at the Pavillion in general has increased. You can draw your own conclusions regarding demographics.


"Every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace."
--Duane Allman

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 8:49am.

Hmmm... Just looked up the stats on the county. Seems that Fayetteville property crime index is about average for the country. Personal crime risk index is MUCH lower than average (25 vs 100) So why are we worried about Tinseltown?

Filthy? It's a movie theatre! Since when have theatres been sterile? Anyway, they got busted. That is a good thing. Now they have incentive to make changes.

The theatre is significantly cleaner than many establishments downtown. Oh right, but that is why we don't live downtown. We are better than those people. We deserve cleanliness, it is our right! We are too good to live with average dirty people. Ever wonder why the south is the butt of so many jokes throughout the country. Maybe it is time for an attitude adjustment. You think you are actually going to get sick from the filth? Maybe you should work on building up your immune system. People here don't seem to even know what organic food is.

The people are rude? Hmmm... The only rude people I have met in this town have been white. Maybe there is some sort of cultural misunderstanding here. Maybe your body language is offensive. Maybe you need to build some bridges.

Yeah, you are right. Lets just give up on Tinseltown, the customers are different than us, they are rude, they are dirty. Hey, draw your own conclusion about the demographics. White flight is the answer. Lets just perpetuate the problem. Time to move on..

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 11:28am.

You imply that a demand for basic cleanliness in an establishment is extraordinary--asking too much. That's just plain silly. I also have the impression that you take such a concern to haved inherent racist overtones. That would be just plain stupid.

To bring you up to date: I've posted here on racial issues quite a lot. My own N. Fayette neighborhood was perhaps 50/50 whenh I moved in. The B/W ratio here may now be more like 60/40 or 70/30. My new next door neighbors are black. I like them: plain and simple. I have no desire to take (white) flight. I interact with black employees and customers at local establishments all the time and generally cannot distinguish between their friendliness and courtesy and that of their white counterparts. I find that friendly overtures are reciprocated. I just don't have a problem--at all--with the changing demographics of the area.

The original topic was that a particular establishment is dirty (rat feces, remember?) and the crowds rude. You are the one who introducewd the issue of race. Save it for some of the blatantly racist posts here. (For example, one poster recently noted that "15 to 20% of blacks are good people"--one of the more entertaining statements of late).


"Every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace."
--Duane Allma

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 11:33am.

I wasn't necessarily targeting you despite the fact that I replied to your post.

I like playing devils advocate. I actually agree with you mostly.

I'm a big fan of Bill Cosby if you know what I mean...

On the other hand I also think that a considerable percentage of the white suburbanites here are ridiculous.

Submitted by fcteacher on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 9:02am.

I don't want to shop, or dine, or go to the movies with people who have vastly different morals and values than myself (such as public profanity, shoplifing, drug dealing, etc.). What's wrong with that? There are a lot of inappropriate behaviors (from all races) that I choose to not be around. So what? You have the right to choose to be around any kind of people you want. If you want to hang at Tinseltown, go for it. Regarding living downtown....I would LOVE to live downtown, but can't afford it.

Submitted by SoCalMama on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 9:49am.

Thank you "fcteacher"......I couldn't agree with you more!

I don't care if a person is white, black, green or pink...if they are going to use profanity, sell drugs and basically make my community an unsavory place to live...then yes, I want them OUT!!!!! The reason we chose Fayette when we moved here was because of the reputation of the school programs, quality of life and property values. The changes I have seen happening to Fayette in the short amount of time we have lived here are not changes for the better. The local courts need to get tough on these characters who are making this lovely county a joke.

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 9:23am.

It is hard to discuss this without stats. Is there a police blotter posted online somewhere? I can't seem to find this info.

To-date, I haven't really seen any public displays of immoral behavior. Wait, come to think of it.. I did see/hear sustained loud cursing by a white person in the avenue (PTC). I also saw a white man severly abusing his 4 year old daughter in the avenue while the mother and other children looked on.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 12:37pm.

Get off the racial sensitivity garbage, kohesion.

Yes, there are idiot criminal whites. Yes, there are spoiled rich kids.

But the bottom line is some statistics stated on the news last week show 6/10 in prison are blacks and latinos.

Now reflect on that honestly looking at demographics. And looking at the people mainly preyed on are their own races.

Why do stores close out of many minority areas? Crime!

This PC garbage is hurting minorities who are trying to escape it. It keeps white racists fueled to hate minorities. It keeps black racists fueled to keep the status going to line their pockets and get rich.

We HAVE to move on to being one people judging others on their person conduct and actions. Not perpetuating the stereo-types from BOTH sides of this division.

But it is a FACT that crime has directly increased with the rate of increase of Clayton county activity in Fayette. Deal with it.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 12:50pm.

Get off the racial sensitivity garbage, PTCGuy.

Yes, there are idiot criminal Asians. Yes, there are spoiled rich Asian kids.

But the bottom line is some statistics stated on the news last week show incarceration rate for Whites to be nearly 3X that of Asians.

Now reflect on that honestly looking at demographics. And looking at the people mainly preyed on are their own races.

Why do stores close out of many White areas? Crime!

This PC garbage is hurting Whites who are trying to escape it. It keeps Asian racists fueled to hate paisty white people. It keeps White racists fueled to keep the status going to line their pockets and get rich.

We HAVE to move on to being one people judging others on their person conduct and actions. Not perpetuating the stereo-types from BOTH sides of this division.

But it is a FACT that crime has directly increased with the rate of increase of White activity in Eastern Asia. Deal with it.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 1:47pm.

Bye until you say something meaningful. Which I expect will be never.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 1:53pm.

That's fine. You can go pout in your corner. I'll still be here when you are done.

I think my Asian analogy gets the point across pretty well.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 7:37am.

I have not posted on this issue but have read over time.

Muddle has not gone down your proposed avenue.

But he is most assuredly correct on the issues of crime. I have had two magnets stolen off of my vehicle there. Something I would never have worried about in Fayetteville in the past.

And MANY people have spoken of the bad conduct in the theater and parking lots as well. Which we have experienced as well.

There are issues there indeed.

And indeed those who have drug down a lot of Riverdale and that area are now coming to the Pavilion.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 06/17/2006 - 9:44pm.

NOT! I don't know about you Krystal Lovin Lady but Mr.William R. Bolling of Cinemark didn't exactly give me the warm fuzzies about the cleanliness of his rat hole theater. Especially the part about that mean ole media reporting information about his theater and stating that "some of which was not true". It would have been nice for him to clarify what was true and what the Citizen and the health department lied about.

Even if they have gotten rid of the rats on the inside of the theater it still doesn't do anything about the trash rats hanging around the outside of the theater.

Well...I don't think I will be exposing my young daughters to the embarassing trash hanging around Tinseltown just to see the movie Cars. It'll be on DVD in a month or two and we'll watch it on our 60" Hi-Def TV and pop our own rat sh87less popcorn. Then we won't have to be bothered by Nascar Bubba and his nemisis Cornrow Contavious's rude behaviour. I can't wait for Hi-Def IPTV. Can you say "Bye Bye Tinseltown"?

Submitted by Xcheerleader on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 9:44am.

I said Bye-Bye to Tinseltown as well. We saw Cars at McDounough, Great Escape. Nice theater. For home we got the HDTV, and the Comcast HiDef cable. It is fantastic!. You can go to HDTV.com and check out the schedule of movies they have available. Most of these are late (after they ran at IMAX theater) IMAX movies. But, really they are maybe 1 month old at most. It is so worth it. I think it's like $8 for the Hi-Def TV channels on the cable bill. It is so cool. I got the DVR-Recorder as well (lovin that). These are QUALITY programs for kids, finally. My kids have watched The Living Sea over and over again. We had to wait like 15 days to get an appointment with Comcast to get the Hi-Def cable box and service set up. This was back in January. Maybe the popularity of this has put a crunch on Comcast. I don't know, but if you decide to get it, it really is good.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 12:07pm.

Comcast messed us over so many times that they couldn't give me their service for free. I'm holding out for IPTV and it's getting real close. In home entertainment is going to kill the theaters. We're already going to see Blockbusters disappear in the near future. Glad I don't hold their stock. You got me all excited describing the service you have. But no second thoughts with Comcast. They really know how to burn a bridge.

Submitted by FayetteFlyer on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 9:32am.

It's getting so that we're pulling away and isolating ourselves more and more rather than coming together. I'm not saying that we should be congregating at Tinseltown, but it just seems to me that crowds are becoming less desireable. By the way Git Real please let me know when you're ready to run X-Men: Last Stand, will ya!?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 06/17/2006 - 9:56pm.

If it's plasma:

How much do you charge for tickets?

Do you have popcorn and whoppers?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 8:08am.

Plasma yes. Problem is I don't have cable or the dish. Got rid of Comcrap after they stood me up on my fourth appointment. It was either dump the cable or go postal on em. It has also kept my kids from watching a bunch of crap and polluting their minds. At least we can prolong our influence on them for a while longer. Plus we talk all the time. Sooo...as a result we have built up quite a library of really good and decent movies and with the built in surround system it sounds like the movies. And we're rat poop free. I'm waiting for IPTV which is right around the corner. Then I'll get to pick and choose and block the garbage. Hurry up AT&T & Bellsouth. I want to be you first customer.

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