Will "Illegal" Immigration Become Easier??

This information will provide you with an overview of what our government is up to. Some say that opening our borders is fine and providing amnesty is the correct action. Others say lets tighten security at our borders. This article will inform everyone that tightening our borders is not what our government desires.
Read the article for yourself!




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Submitted by Rainy on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 7:08am.

Recent Poll about immigration.

43% of all people polled in the U.S. say that immigration is a serious problem.
57% said, "No hablo ingles"

kohesion's picture
Submitted by kohesion on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 10:35am.

I am hoping you meant "illegal" immigration.

I am one of those white people that happens to think more immigrants (legal) is great. Especially if we could trade some smart immigrants for some dumb Americans. Yeah, we could have a one for one trade. Heck, let the illegals on in if they are smart / hard working or have anything to significant to contribute.

Open the flood gates. Let the best ones in.

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 06/17/2006 - 10:32am.

My ancestors came here and learned English. They didn't ask the world be bend over for them. They wanted to be part of this country. Now their decendants, [me] are footing the bill for these people. The only ones making out in this are the developers/builders and big bussiness. You are watching your social security disappear every day because they work here illegaly and don't pay anything into the system. The summer jobs teens had in construction, resturants, etc. are gone. Money that they could have earned to help put them into college as well as learn the value of a dollar. The politicans are either insane, if they think they are looking out for the taxpayers, or, are being paid under the table. These people bring drugs to our children, take advantage of all our welfare systems, and steal whatever else they need. Some of their kids even displace our own for college schollarships because they are considered underprivaledged. They beat us over the head with what is written on the statue of Liberty. "Give us your tired, your needy etc." I think that now fits "Us" more than them. When is it gonna be the turn for the children of the people who settled this country with their blood sweat and tears? We always seem to be sucking hind teat.

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