Wanted: New Commission Chairman for Fayette Co.

Chairman Dunn had his chance to do great things while in office, however, he will be known as the “most controversial commissioner”. He can’t seem to get along with any municipality in the county, and even his own employees find him difficult to work for – and, did anyone else get a chance to see the picture of his screaming face on the front page of the Fayette section in the AJC last Thursday? (section J)

It’s time for a change! I’m tired of hearing about the feud between Greg Dunn and the Sheriff’s department disguised under the pretense of “accountability”, and “best interests of the taxpayers”! Dunn has ruined his reputation with the many lawsuits against the county and the tone of distrust of the Sheriff’s Office.

I hope we can find a Commission Chairman that will work diligently to bring this county together and stop all the bickering. It’s time to move forward with a commission that will work with the people, not against them!

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Submitted by did not know on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 12:13pm.

He may have his faults,I don't know, I haven't kept up with the deal between him n the sherrif, but this I do know. I had the pleasure of watching him at a comish meeting and it was wonderful. He stuck up for the citizens against the developers, something we NEVER see in Tyrone. He agreed that these people should not have postage size lots up against their houses on 5 acres. He valued and respected their feelings. The man is an ex Navy Admiral for God's sake! Of course he is gonna get in spitting contest with other people in power. But who do you want to stick up for you when it comes to the develpers and their lawyers, someone like that or a wimp? I tell you, I will trade you.. 2 of our town counsil members, 1 Town manager, Barney...I will trade you all, for 1 Greg Dunn. We are lucky to have him as County commissioner, but if you don't want him, hey, maybe we could hire him for Barney's job alone. It pays around one hundred thousand a year, plus car, plus plus plus, and we are an idy biddy town. We would be tickled pink in Tyrone!

Submitted by Fayetteresident on Tue, 03/14/2006 - 11:03pm.

You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but just because Dunn is "better" than the guys you have in Tyrone, doesn't make him qualified as Commission Chairman. I agree we don't want a wimp, but we don't need a DICTATOR either! Talk to some of the people who work for him or some of the people that he has fired and see what they have to say about respect...

Also, he's not an ex-Navy Admiral... he's an ex Lt. Col. in the Army. He was in the Military Police (aka MP), you know the ones that stand at the gate and wave the cars onto the base...

Submitted by thenatural on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 10:14am.

I simply cannot understand how you can say that Dunn is a dictator. It takes 5 people to make anything happen with the county commission (and PTC and Tyrone).

I know several of the people that work for the county and they have told me that Dunn loves to talk, probably makes meetings go too long, but in general they would much rather have him, than some of his predecessors in that role. As the people that got fired for cause, what would expect them to say? The only firings in which the commission has any direct action is with the County Manager. They have dismissed a couple in the last 7 years or so. Both, from what I read in the papers, for failure to peform some fundamental part of their responsibility. You think that they should stay in their job when they don't do what they are supposed to do? If that were to happen you would be among the first to scream that they commission had failed in its' responsibility. You can't have it both ways.

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