Fayetteresident: PRICELESS!

Reimbursement of 1 Adult Movie: $8.00

Fayetteresident: GOODBYE FROM TN (thenatural) ...

Submitted by thenatural on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 11:20am.
I am not Janet Dunn. We have had this discussion before. But I do have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that I am being transferred back to my home town to be near my elderly parents. The bad news is that you and the other folks here will not get the pleasure my company and my commentary. I have to leave and go find a place to live, leaving the wife and kids here till the end of school. Such is life. I will be reading how things progress with the suits, the election etc. but I do not believe that I should comment on things that I can no longer impact. Say good bye for me to that ugly cat(who would eat you given half the chance) my buddies, Fayette Resident (hope he gets well), Dalmation, Robert M and RW Morgan. It is has been fun, but all good things must come to and end.

Fayetteresident: Wanted: New Commission Chairman for Fayette Co.

Chairman Dunn had his chance to do great things while in office, however, he will be known as the “most controversial commissioner”. He can’t seem to get along with any municipality in the county, and even his own employees find him difficult to work for – and, did anyone else get a chance to see the picture of his screaming face on the front page of the Fayette section in the AJC last Thursday? (section J)

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