Insurance Commissioner Logston...NOT!

DarkMadam's picture

After watching all the coverage of the flood today and watching John Oxendine, it made me wonder what would happen if PTC's Mayor Logston were to become the new Insurance Commissioner? I was absolutely horrified at the thought! A man that has in his term as Mayor has done nothing but create a mess that he is completely unable to clean up. If for one minute he thought that he had a shot, I am quite sure that he would run again. However, that is a complete impossibility. I can see absolutely no way that this man could be capable of being any good at a state level position. I am asking the voters of this state to JUST SAY NO to the possibility of Logston's having and part of this state. Look at his nik-name - Logjam Logston! Look at his record her in PTC and think how this would impact you life if there were another emergency such as a flood or other natural or unnatural disaster. Would you really want him in charge? I for one know for sure that this would be a really bad move for the great state of Georgia!

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 8:46pm.

Logsdon can't be worse than Oxidine. It is a do nothing job and expecting the current occupant of that job or his replacement to actually do anything is a joke. You do know that hardly anyone in Georgia has flood insurance, don't you? So what would an Insurance Commisioner do now?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 8:46pm.

Logsdon can't be worse than Oxidine. It is a do nothing job and expecting the current occupant of that job or his replacement to actually do anything is a joke. You do know that hardly anyone in Georgia has flood insurance, don't you? So what would an Insurance Commisioner do now?

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 8:37pm.

Georgia's Insurance Companies were quick to identify Harold Logsdon as a graduate of the Velvet Jones School of Technology. Best of all, how many state wide officers can you buy for a 12 pack ?

Submitted by bigon on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 6:32am.

Now that's funny right there

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 9:06pm.

Guys, this is funny, but can we take back our government? While we turn these jokers loose cause we have better thing todo... like work for a living...this is wrong.

Out of respect for what you will leave behind for your bout we take back our government?

We can't afford public jesters anymore...we need someone who cares about us and our kids.

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