Stop the Possibility of Forced Vaccinations, and Forced Detention/Quarantine

DarthDubious's picture


Click on: Tell Legislators You Want the Right to Self-Quarantine in the Event of a Pandemic, Not Forced Vaccinations

Sign the petition and help stop the plans of WHO, CDC, DHS, and FEMA to force you and your children to take untested unreliable flu vaccines, or forced quaratines in FEMA Emergency Centers.

This is no joke, and I know all this stuff sounds crazy, but it is absolutely true that laws , and presidential directives to do these things ARE on the books. Even if you are a doubting Thomas why take the chance when you can stand up and say NO!!! We aren't going to take this.

Its easy, just do it, please for the sake of your family, your friends, yourself. Fight back for crying out loud. WE stop this before it starts, if everyone will act as one.

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Submitted by apatheticjester on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 12:59am.

This guy totally has swine flu.

TinCan's picture
Submitted by TinCan on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 11:46am.

Interesting choice of screen names. Is that "a pathetic" or "apathetic"? ;>)

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