Just venting my demons: Maybe I’m not a very good Christian, but I try.

DarthDubious's picture

Maybe I’m not a very good Christian, but I try. You see, I have known the truth all my life. That truth is that most people are being misled by wicked demonic spirit creatures into false worship. They go to churches adorned with symbols and idols, pray to Jesus who they believe was God incarnate, and to saints who are not the Hearer of prayer. They elevate the Son, yet seldom recognize the Father, not even knowing His Name. Do you know God’s Name?

Another truth is that all efforts to change and fix this broken system of demon led human rulership are futile. Satan doesn’t want us to be happy and flourishing, his sentence is death and he is going to take as many of us with him as he can. He is working overtime attacking society on all fronts with the death machine that is the New World Order. You see I believe that just as God directs some of the good things that humans have done, Satan directs the most vile and evil things. The Devil is God of Tyrants. He likes to see humans suffer and squirm, just read the story of Job.

I was taught that Christians are no part of the world, and therefore politically neutral, not taking part in elections, no military service, pay your taxes and have nothing else to do with government, for if you did you were by action putting faith in Satan’s system of rule. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Nazis hunted down many of my faith in Europe during WWII, most of them hiding secret printing presses, and caches of Bible based literature used in the preaching work. One order they absolutely would not obey was stop preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God. There were many more orders not obeyed but that was the biggest in my book. Many were arrested for refusal to “heil Hitler,” others for refusing conscription into the armed forces.

I guess what I’m trying to get at is ok, so I know this world can’t be fixed, as only God can do anything to fix social problems, you know like racism, class issues, and the like. I just feel that there are some things that we can do, not politically but just from a right and wrong issue. There are evil things going on, the evidence is out there and somebody needs to go to jail. That ain’t politics; people are breaking laws and need to be prosecuted.

Should we wait for God to step in, even if we have the means to point our finger and scream “They did it arrest them!” Is it a Godly thing to do, to stand by watching evil take place, and be silent? Is it wrong to try and stop people from being hurt, and even killed by people, and things that are poisoning them? Does that make me part of the world, and thus unchristian? What am I asking you for?

I don’t know, maybe we should just stand down and let these super rich sickos have the place and forget about it. Just let them enslave us all, and give up. It’s easier isn’t it? Just sit back, take another prozac, watch the TV, relax, drift back to sleep, and forget about it.

Sorry, I wish I could, once you break the matrix there is no return.

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christi's picture
Submitted by christi on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 8:43pm.

May I ask in what denomination you were taught this doctrine? I've never heard that before and I've been going to church my whole life. I don't think it makes sense at all. In my opinion, God doesn't expect us to sit back and watch things happen because we are not "of this world". Many men have misinterpreted that scripture to alleviate themselves from responsibility for fear of getting involved for whatever reason. I keep seeing this idea on here that Christians are supposed to be brainless drones walking around with no ability to think for themselves, use the wisdom God gave them and be powerful rather than pitiful. Christians go along with it and non-Christians' ideas about Christians are only proven correct. If God expects Christians to not get involved, why doesn't He just take us out? Or do you think that we're only here to try and convert everybody? Why would someone want to be a Christian if it means a lobotomy and neuter?

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 10:47pm.

Jehovah's Witnesses. Believe me they are not brainless. If there is such a thing as truth in religion, they are the closest thing to it that I can find, and believe me I have studied ALOT of faiths, and always find paganism and false worship and lies, mixed in with a little of the truth.

Everything they teach makes sense, and they can prove it all in black and white from the Bible every time. It's not dropping responsibility to them as much as why waste your time on a failing system doomed to end very soon. They are all about preaching the streets, as all Christians are commanded to. That's where they put their energy.

In Liberty,


christi's picture
Submitted by christi on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 7:02am.

Jehovah's Witness, that explains a lot. There's a lot about that faith that I disagree with. As far as them proving it in black and white, of course they can, they have their own Bible created by a man who put what he wanted in it! But we need not discuss this on here. We are all entitled to our own opinion and beliefs. We're all wrong about something, and hopefully all right about something too!

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 11:50am.

here are the facts: From the late 1800's the International Bible Students Association(as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known), taught exclusively from the King James Version of the Bible.

It was not until 1950-1960, that a commitee of translators began working on the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, replacing God's Proper Name where it had been removed in favor of LORD, and GOD(notice the all capitals) where the tetragramaton YHWH appeared in the original text. The english translation of YHWH is Jehovah.

Hope that clears up any misinfo you been given.

In Liberty,


muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 5:25pm.

So the Aryans tried to stamp out the Arians?

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 6:35pm.

I think most of the Arians were Polish.

Hitler and his Aryans slaughtered the Polish so yes you may be correct!

I'm still trying to figure out how many minorities there were during the cave-man era. I think Adam was Persian but if so what race of cave-man was he? Caucasian, I suppose?

It is entirely possible that the cave-men died out before Adam and God said "good riddance," I simply don't know.

Now you see I can ask such questions but if you did you might get fired again.

Any way it doesn't matter about that fellow Darth, he is a chosen one and if you have nothing to lose you can say anything!

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 6:14pm.

The original aryans were from the aryan plateau of Iran.


1. Indo-Iranian.
2. A member of the people who spoke the parent language of the Indo-European languages.
3. A member of any people speaking an Indo-European language.
4. In Nazism and neo-Nazism, a non-Jewish Caucasian, especially one of Nordic type, supposed to be part of a master race.

There are other things besides the Jesus is God doctrine that are false as well muddle.

In Liberty,


muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 7:29pm.

I was taught that Christians are no part of the world, and therefore politically neutral, not taking part in elections, no military service, pay your taxes and have nothing else to do with government, for if you did you were by action putting faith in Satan’s system of rule. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Actually, no. Yet another non sequiter in a long succession coming from your direction.

Indeed, if your aim is to remain consistent with the above, why all of the shrill warnings of plots to put an end to the constitutional republic as we know it? Shouldn't we suppose the Constitution is yet another tool of the devil? Why not simply remain indifferent to the regime changes?

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 10:37pm.

I can't just wait for God to finally do whatever He's gonna do, and the only way to stop some of these things is getting mixed up in the political process. That's my rub. Obey the law of the land until it conflicts with God's law, is what I know. The Constitution is the law of the land that not even the government follows anymore.

Even Jesus got violent with the moneychangers of his day. Then he said pay Caesar's things to Caesar, God's things to God, but in this form of government WE are Caesar are we not? I take that to mean pay your taxes to the rulers of your land, but your alligence to God. I just have a hard time walking these lines is all, and it gets to be a heavy thing on my soul.

In Liberty,


Submitted by Hotwing1 on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 9:58pm.

The bible does tell us to resist evil. It also tells us that we will ultimately FAIL in this resistance. Final vindication will come from above, but only after we learn the futility of earthly ways. I find it very revealing that in the final conflict, there is no 'good side'in the fight at all. At least untill the very end, when HE comes home to clean up our mess. The good of the earth will have no part in the final war. If you will read the book instead of letting people preach it to you ......


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