It Starts.....

Coweta decided to stick with the denial. There is going to be hell to pay in the courts now. Funny how the Times Herald said nothing more other than to "read wednesday's edition" and even shut down the comments on their previous story. It will be interesting to see what Mr. Rogers will do at this point

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Submitted by Cobra on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 8:28am.

Okay, here we go again!! So maybe, just maybe, I was wrong about me being wrong and right about me being right, or was that right about you being wrong and you being wrong about you being right......okay, maybe it's time for me to take my prescription pills!!! This ought to be an interesting battle to watch. I'm glad the commissioners did what they did, though. Have a great day!

Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:26am.

All the Commissioners did was to pre-spend a half a Million dollars of Coweta taxpayers money. This guy has won in EVERY court case he has had to pursue. Just go and ask the Commissioners of Fulton, Cobb, Gwinett and Dekalb counties how much they spent to let him open in their counties. So far nobody has been able to stop this guy, I hope he sticks it to these self-righteous representatives of Coweta County. And Cobra, make sure that you take the prescribed dosage of your Meds.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Submitted by Cobra on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 11:39am.

Everybody's undefeated............until their first loss. Now, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but I believe there's a pretty good chance that the porn shop will not open. I hope not anyway. I don't want a porn shop in my back yard. I'm praying for an "upset" in this fight. I'm not one to back down from anyone or anything (except I did run from a swarm of wasps several years ago) and I'm glad our commissioners are holding their ground, too. I understand that a lot of money will be spent (kind of like Obama's overseas abortion tour), but I feel like at least this is a battle worth fighting. You don't have a chance of winning if you run or don't show up to the fight. Have a great day!

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