Moving Towards Tobacco Prohibition

DarthDubious's picture

Ron Paul
Texas Straight Talk
June 15, 2009

Moving Towards Tobacco Prohibition

Last week, another bill was passed and signed into law that takes more of our freedoms and violates the Constitution of the United States. It was, of course, done for the sake of the children, and in the name of the health of the citizenry. It’s always the case that when your liberty is seized, it is seized for your own good. Such is the condescension of Washington.

The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act will give sweeping new powers over tobacco to the FDA.

The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act will give sweeping new powers over tobacco to the FDA. It will require everyone engaged in manufacturing, preparing, compounding, or processing tobacco to register with the FDA and be subjected to FDA inspections, which is yet another violation of the Fourth Amendment. It violates the First Amendment by allowing the FDA to restrict tobacco advertising in multiple ways, as well as an outright ban on advertising any cigarettes as light, mild or low-tar. The FDA will have the power of pre-market reviews of all new tobacco products, and will impose new user fees, meaning taxes, on manufacturers and importers of tobacco products. It will even regulate the amount of nicotine in cigarettes.

My objections to the bill are not an endorsement of tobacco. As a physician I understand the adverse health effects of this bad habit. And that is exactly how smoking should be treated – as a bad habit and a personal choice. The way to combat poor choices is through education and information. Other than ensuring that tobacco companies do not engage in force or fraud to market their products, the federal government needs to stay out of the health habits of free people. Regulations for children should be at the state level. Unfortunately, government is using its already overly intrusive financial and regulatory roles in healthcare to establish a justifiable interest in intervening in your personal lifestyle choices as well. We all need to anticipate the level of health freedom that will remain once government manages all health care in this country.

Actions in Congress such as this tobacco bill are especially disconcerting after we thought we were beginning to see some progress in drawing down the wrong-headed and failed war on drugs. A majority of Americans now think marijuana should be legal, taxed and regulated, according to a recent Zogby poll and over 70 percent are in favor of allowing medicinal use of marijuana. Bills like this take us down exactly the wrong path. Instead of gaining more freedom with marijuana, we are moving closer to prohibiting tobacco. Our prisons are already bursting with non-violent drug offenders. How long will it be before a black market in tobacco fills the prisons with non-violent cigarette smokers?

Hemp and tobacco were staple crops for our founding fathers when our country was new. It is baffling to see how far removed from real freedom this country has become since then. Hemp, even for industrial uses, of which there are many, is illegal to grow at all. Now tobacco will have more layers of bureaucracy and interference piled on top of it. In this economy it is extremely upsetting to see this additional squeeze put on an entire industry. One has to wonder how many smaller farmers will be forced out of business because of this bill.

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Submitted by fiddle on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 8:03am.

Suggarfoot, God Bless You!

My husband smoked. He got cancer. Our lives have changed forever.
I begged him to stop because he smoked over a pack a day. He has stopped now, but the damage to his body with be with him the rest of his life.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 8:33am.

People never knew what pain tobacco caused until the 60s. Our founding Fathers would have outlawed it if they knew in the beginning. There is nothing worse than watching someone you love die of something that could be prevented. No one should have to watch that.

My friends' parents lived to watch their only daughter die. They had no idea at the time they were killing her with their second hand smoke. When the md's told them it was second hand smoke, they almost grieved themselves to death. It did not, however, help Suzan.

Also, it is common knowledge they put more addictive things in cigarets now, than when we were kids. People are really hooked and it is an addition. It should be against the law.

I don't believe we are hurting anyone's constitutional rights when we keep them from killing someone else. We are protecting the innocent and the helpless.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 7:37am.

Speculating that the Founding Fathers would have banned a tobacco product(or about anything else) of any kind is ludicrous. Unlike present day Americans, the Founding Fathers were real big on liberty and not at all into "banning" things, whether those "things" might be harmful or not. Tobacco was big economic engine for the South before cotton and Europeans loved the import of cigs.

As far as everyone some how being in the dark about the dangers of smoking, BS. This assumes that all people are totally ignorant and stupid until medical science says "hey, doing this isn't healthy." It doesn't take any doctor or numerous research studies to tell anyone with half a brain that when you put an object of some type in your mouth, light it on fire, and suck in the result that burns your lungs that it might not be healthy. People who smoked before the first study was ever done on the affects of cigarette smoking already had a solid idea from experience that their choice wasn't a healthy one. People make choices every day to do things that might not be the "best" for them and that's the great thing about free will and liberty.

Is it the government's job to force people to make healthy/best decisions and also to ban any that are not? Quite a few Americans think strongly that it is. Attack the smokers, fat people, people that say things that offend others, guns, drugs, sex, etc. When it comes to using the power of government to outlaw behaviors and products, there is a perfect storm of fundamentalists on one side and far left wing totalitarians on the other who both love the power of government to impose their view of life on to others.

When the crazies who have no appreciation for liberty or the sacrifices made by those to make it possible run out of the "easy" things to ban, I guess the automobile will be next since they are killing machines. Eventually, some loony will notice how many gazillion people have been killed in the name of religion and they'll want to ban that too. After it all comes full circle, we'll be back to square one where it's live and let live instead of live and make everyone else live like you do.

Submitted by Bonkers on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 1:10pm.

Oh, they banned stuff!

Witches in particular!

Living fancy!

Dressing fancy!

Marrying without permission!

Freeing slaves!


Lesser classes from the village.

Thinking about round earths', sun rotating us, other religions, and public schools.

"savages" were automatically killed.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 7:10am.

My best friend died before her 30th birthday and never smoked a cigarette in her life! Reason? Both her parents smoked. Suzan, not only didn't smoke, she tried to talk everyone she knew into not smoking. She hated it. She died an agonizing death of lung cancer due to second hand smoke of her loving parents.

One of the reasons I divorced my ex is that he would smoke around our son. As much as I begged him not to, he not only smoked around him, he would blow smoke in his face as an infant and laugh at me.

My ex is dying of congestive heart failure. He has had a total of 3 heart attacks in front of my child. 2 while my child was alone with him.

All his life my son has begged his father not to smoke. In school, he wrote heart wrenching papers about smoking.

There is no more pitiful sound than the crying of a child who was alone with a fool and watched him have a heart attack and could do nothing but watch.

All his life, my son, has watched his father, and begged. My son has had to watch his father, someone that he loves, kill himself.

The law is to protect the helpless VICTIMS...and I do mean helpless. I see the face of one victim every day. The other, I will never see again.

Submitted by pomsmom on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 1:28am.

out law tobacco,liquor,pork chops,red meat, butter,milk,motor vehicles anything that kills anyone. second hand beer liquor weed drugs legal and illegal has killed way more people and orphaned more children than second hand smoke.I smoke out side on my own property. obw i dont't drink. my second hand smoke hurts nothing but me. However by dog peed on my favorite patch of grass and it died. should he also be outlawed or taxed to death?

mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 7:53am.

I side entirely with Suggarfoot on this point. Our forefathers did not know the harmful effects of smoking. That came out in the U.S. Surgeon General's report in 1964. (He was a doctor too!) Smart people do not smoke.

DarthDubious probably objects to having the government check on peanut butter processing plants. Or he wants the state of Georgia to do it. Get your head out of the sand, DarthDubious!

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 11:41am.

no I do not object to government inspections for cleanliness of food plants, however the state would do a better job of anything than the Feds.

I've had cancer deaths in my family as well, not lung, but breast, and leukemia.

Sugga, I'm sorry your ex was a sadist and abused you and your child, but that doesn't give anyone the right to tell anyone else they can't smoke or dip or whatever else they want to do with tobacco.

All prohibition will do is create a new black market and a new crop of criminals that we will have to pay taxes to keep up when they are jailed. Get YOUR head out of the sand!!!

And in case you haven't noticed: EVERYTHING the federal government touches turns to crap.

In Liberty,


Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 11:57am.

Darth, I agree with you on this one, they think that the war on drugs is expensive, just wait until they try and outlaw Tobacco. Anyway, the Government makes to much money off of the Tobacco taxes.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 11:24am.

At least Westmoreland was a "Nay" voter! On this issue, I side with Ron Paul.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 11:04am.

Now before I get blasted by maple and sugga, let me explain my position:

While I agree that smoking causes cancer, we do stil live in a Constitutional Republic, NOT(contrary to popular belief) a democracy. This means that 99% of you CANNOT tell 1% us how to live our lives.

The Federal government is already WAY too intrusive into the lives of individuals, and should not be able to dictate what we can and cannot put into our bodies, case in point:

There is a man in Canada that has found the cure for cancer, and yet it is illegal for him to even GIVE AWAY this cure FREE OF CHARGE:

Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story

Wake up America, you have been, and are being lied to by your ever loving federal government about a great many things.

In Liberty,


Submitted by AtHomeGym on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 12:09pm.

can be legally purchased via the internet. It does not contain any THC. Your local food nutrition store may have it too. And the fact that you and I agree om something just means that there is still hope for YOU!

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 1:03pm.

a dose the size of a grain of rice per day is all that is needed for the treatment and cure of many kinds of cancer; watch the film.

BTW, the "hemp" oil you refer to is "hemp seed" oil, and is ineffective as a cancer treatment.

In Liberty,


matt.barnes's picture
Submitted by matt.barnes on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 9:52am.

To legalize marijuana please call 973-409-3274 and push #.

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