New Boss Same as The Old Boss Chapter II: Economic Assault on Middle Class Continues

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After promising "limited government,"and despite of receiving the majority of middle class votes, George W. Bush was one of the worst presidents for the middle class. Bush promoted free trade deals that sent our jobs overseas, promoted amnesty for illegal immigrants, and greater guest worker programs while our borders remain unsecured. Bush continued to spend to the point of breaking Lyndon Johnson's record by increasing the size of government. He borrowed from nations that are not the friendliest such as China, and Saudi Arabia contributing to the current financial crisis, while the federal reserve printed money out of thin air devaluing our currency. Bush passed massive tax cuts that favored the wealthy, and did nothing to address the budget deficit.

Bush was denounced by his political opponents as a tool of corporate and oil interest. Obama was able to capitalize on Bush's failed economic policies, but in reality, has continued Bush's economic assault on the middle class. Obama spoke out against corporate greed, but along with McCain, supported the bailouts of Wall Street signed by President Bush. Obama's second top source of donations was the financial firm Goldman Sachs which received billions in bailout money from the taxpayers. Obama appointed Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury who, as chairman of the New York Branch of the Federal Reserve, arranged the bailout of Lehman Brothers. Geithner also stated he is open to the idea of a global currency.

On spending, Obama has continued the same economic policies of the Bush administration of deficit spending, and printing money out of thin air through the Federal Reserve. Obama supported the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill in the Senate that Bush supported, and vows to bring back so called comprehensive immigration reform as president. Obama flip flopped on the issue of reforming NAFTA during the democratic primary, but has failed to address reforming it since then.

The middle class has been hard hit by the financial, and foreclosure crisis caused by the economic and financial policies of Bush's administration and now Obama's. Massive immigration both legal, and illegal, continues. Our borders remain unsecure, and the middle class continues to lose jobs due to the financial crisis, and outsourcing.

Obama is no friend of the middle class. He is a tool of international financiers, multi-national corporations, the military industrial complex, and has strong socialist (globalist) leanings. Many think socialism, and financial capital are at opposite ends of the economic spectrum. This could be no further from the truth. Socialists want more customers for the welfare state to sustain their political power. That is why the democratic establishment supports massive immigration. They want to increase their power base. They bribe voters with social programs. Many of these perceived leftist causes are financed by Wall Street financiers. The financial, and corporate elites want open borders because they profit off the cheap labor, and want a feudalist economic system.

Finance capital has bought off most of our politicians, and owns all mass media outlets. Much like Socialism, monopoly capitalists want complete control of the economy, and the government. Think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations that many politicians, including most of Obama's cabinet are members of, seek to dissolve American sovereignty, and consolidate their power. A strong middle class is necessary for a free Republic. Socialists, and financial elites have a common cause in weakening the middle class: to consolidate their power and have control over both major political parties! The middle class, unlike left wing ethnic advocacy groups, foreign lobbies, and corporate interests, does not have a lobby to advocate on their behalf. Presidents, and politicians need the middle class to get elected, but sadly most start off their terms with the first official act being the false statement of "I do,"abandoning the middle class as soon as they are sworn in.

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DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 12:58pm.

In Liberty,


Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 1:01pm.

But we gave W 8 years.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 8:21am.

You voted for him twice and supported him for 8 years? LOL I think not.

Maybe you need to go back and check your past blogs mommy.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 2:38pm.

What's all this "we" stuff? You got a mouse in your pocket?

W. wasn't touted as an outsider who would bring a "change" in the way DC does business either. Bush ran on a true conservative platform of limited government, a "no nation building" foreign policy, and protection of constitutional personal liberty. When he took office he dropped all that for tripling the size of the DC government, a new century of imperial mobilization, and dictatorial police state for citizens.

So what has O done? In his first hundred days he has spent more than all previous presidents COMBINED: $14.6 TRILLION effectively doubling W's tripling, deployed more troops to Afganistan, and is in the process of regulating the first, and second amendments. Its a brave new world honey, the rules have changed, if you can't judge someone's actions before 8 years go by, you will keep being fooled by the political WWE that is Washington DC.

In Liberty,


Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 2:46pm.

When he took office he dropped all that for tripling the size of the DC government, a new century of imperial mobilization, and dictatorial police state for citizens.

And WE elected him (W) for another four years!! (The 'we' is rhetorical - and no - no mouse in my pocket.) You know darn well I didn't vote for 'W'. The 'report card' for Obama will be issued in 2010.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 8:32am.

And you criticized all who criticized him? Right.
What a double standard.

You don't just drink the kool-aid, you mix it.

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