Precipitation Enhancement: Active Weather Modification Campaigns

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Treaty Issues: “Local, non-permanent changes, such as precipitation enhancement, hail suppression, fog and cloud dispersal, are permitted under the U. N. treaty.”

New revelations have shed more light on weather modification programs, also referred to as geo-engineering, commonly called chem-trails. The “new” terminology, ‘Precipitation Enhancement‘, has revealed government and governmental contractors have been dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere on a regular basis for decades, dating back to the 1950’s. This article is an attempt to remove the conspiracy theory label that has been attached to very real man-made phenomenon of weather modification.

Precipitation Enhancement programs are ongoing in Texas, California, Australia, China, Iran, and many other locations worldwide. The following programs are documented, and the websites below list the flight missions over Central and South Texas:

There are currently at least 10 precipitation programs underway in Texas, covering more than 50 million acres, under the Edwards Aquifer Authority since 1999. California has cloud seeding programs underway under the authority of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E).

Water management is the supposed justification for many of these programs, but upon further investigation, flash flooding and severe thunderstorms are typical results. This link takes you to a summary of some of the missions over South and Central Texas, and if you open the first two Daily Reports (PDFs), flash floods, and severe storms the precipitation enhancement missions caused are documented. As a side note, flood insurance in Texas is hard to obtain.

The U.S. Military has been involved in weather modification for half a century, and the extent to which they have progressed is still unknown, however we do know that droughts, floods and general degradation of enemy forces are a few objectives the Air Force can produce. This document describes the known uses for military applications of weather modification, and this link will take you to a database of weather modification PDFs.

Waylon “Ben” Livingston, aka the father of weather weapons, in an interview with documentary film-maker Alex Jones, admitted the weather was being modified around the world, using what was learned a half-decade ago flooding the Ho Chi Minh trail in Vietnam.

We now have documentation revealing Geo-engineering (1), (2), (3), (4), Weather Modification (5), and Precipitation Enhancement (6), from governments, universities, private companies and public companies such as water districts. The debate about whether or not chemicals are being dispersed in our sky on a regular basis should now shift to focusing on what recourse we the people have to stop these unnatural and harmful secret programs.

As stated above, “Local, non-permanent changes, such as precipitation enhancement, hail suppression, fog and cloud dispersal, are permitted under the U.N. treaty banning weather modification”, conveniently enough, due to legal loopholes. If you obtain a permit, you can modify the weather, just be sure to follow the 200 pages of guidelines.

Edwards Aquifer Precipitation Enhancement Program: Precipitation Research

edwardsaquifer Precip Enhancement

Weather Enhancement

South Texas Weather Modification Program (Including Mission Briefs and Flight Path Maps):


(Important - Details of Missions, Flight Tracks)

South Texas Rain Enhancement Association:


Latest Missions

PDF Documents Available At This Link:

PDFs Here

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Submitted by AtHomeGym on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 8:47pm.

What in the hell does any of this mean to the average citizen? Way beyond the influence and more than likely the understanding of anyone who participates here and generally useless info. I fall in the category of don't have a clue what the hell this means or why it should be important to me or anybody else.

Submitted by mysteryman on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 7:09pm.

Hey Darth, what about all the radioactive isotopes released into the atmosphere during the age of above ground atomic and nuclear testing??? And what about the effects of all the oil wells fires during G1... We are now just starting to see the effects Of these wonderful atmospheric modifications... And yet the government will never admit to the contributions these events have had on society at large.....BLESS

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