FOX NEWS: “Conspiracy People” Correct About New World Order Agendas

DarthDubious's picture

Yesterday on FOX NEWS, the former Clintonite Dick Morris, who is now a darling of Fox News, tells Sean Hannity the globalists will put the “American economy under international regulation” and “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.”

Former Clintonite Dick Morris declares “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.”

“Those conspiracy people,” Sean Hannity interjects, “had suggested that for years… you’re not wrong.”

It’s the “international regulation of the financial institutions” we have to worry about, warns Dick Morris. It will happen under “IMF control… Remember, the IMF is run by the Europeans and backed by Americans.”

It’s too bad Mr. Morris didn’t give us the rest of the story. The IMF is a loan sharking operation created by the bankers under the Bretton Woods scheme and its primary purpose to date has been to get third world nations into hock so they can be more effectively looted. It is now poised, as Morris eludes, to embark on a far more ambitious bankster scam — to initiate something called “global quantitative easing” by printing billions of dollars worth of a global “super-currency,” deceptively billed as a way to address the economic crisis manufactured by the global elite.

“Alistair Darling and senior figures in the US Treasury have been encouraging the Fund to issue hundreds of billions of dollars worth of so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in the coming months as part of its campaign to prevent the recession from turning into a global depression,” the Telegraph reported on March 16.

SDRs are now based on four currencies — the US dollar, the Japanese yen, the euro and the British pound. They are used largely as a unit of account by the IMF and other international organizations.

Read between the lines and you get to the bottom of the real reason for the issuance of SDRs — to push for a world currency. Recall a few days ago Zhou Xiaochuan, China’s central bank’s governor, calling for the IMF to forge a new world reserve currency.

China demands a settlement system between the SDRs and other currencies so that they can be used in international trade and financial transactions. The IMF would manage these SDRs and they would gradually replace existing reserve currencies.

As envisioned by our rulers, a world “super-currency” will ultimately require a world government. Morris blames the Europeans for this and he is only partially right — it is a scam long ago devised by international bankers primarily based in Europe and Britain and backed, as Morris admits, by the American financial elite.

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Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 04/01/2009 - 12:04pm.

"FOX NEWS: “Conspiracy People” Correct About New World Order Agendas"

Fox News? Really? Well Darth, I suppose if it's from Fox News, it MUST be valid journalism.

Thanks for the laugh Laughing out loud

(was this an April Fools joke post?)

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 11:31am.

FOX was just the first, but now this New World Order stuff is ALL OVER the MSM these days.

Search it. The G20 is right now setting up WORLD FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE. If the monetary system becomes global, it will become WORLD GOVERNMENT period. Money makes the world go 'round, right. Those who control the cash, control the planet. If they control the cash from Europe, what does that say for us?

Do you get it yet? We are in deep trouble. Our dollar in is the toilet thanks to the FED running the presses in overdrive. Now they want a fiat GLOBAL CURRENCY, with the IMF controling it.

Put your left/right crap aside for 112 minutes, and go watch the Obama Deception on Google video, please. Its not about left/right anymore, its about a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. We must put aside our PETTY differences and unite against these international bankster criminals.

Search and read about the SDRs being issued by the World Bank and IMF, it is a World Super Currency. Ya'll have to wake up.

In Liberty,


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