Barack Obama Boulevard

Happy days are here again. With all our problems now solved with the President’s Stimulus Plan, Cities and Towns all over America are renaming Main Streets and Schools after Obama. The American people deserve this honor. Glynn Street in Fayetteville can and should renamed Barack Obama Blvd. All off streets will be named Obama Avenue, Street, Lane, Etc. Fayette County High School can now be Barack Obama High. I want all local Fayette Councils to erect a Statue of “HIM” at City Halls. Hurry, NYC & St. Louis have already done it. Atlanta is scraping up money for it as I speak. Let’s get going and also decide on a Barack Obama paid Holiday date. I suggested the 4th of July.

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Submitted by mysteryman on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 9:03pm.

The big three auto makers should each introuduce a Barack Obama signature edition vehicle, just imagine the effect this would have on sales instead of building a monument in his honor, what greater way to honor the President than to have for example, the 2010 Caddilac Brougham Obama Signature Edition. An instant collectors item. Just imagine the waiting list that would ensue if they were to announce this limited edition production run. Lincoln Towncar Barack LTD, Dodge Challenger O.ST edition. Corvette ZQO editon.. Just imagine the recession would be over....DEUCES.....

mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 8:26am.

You mean, "the one"!

As in "He's the one."

(Barack, in Swahili, means "the one.")

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 9:00am.

Barack is the name form of "baraka" which means "blessed".

mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 4:54pm.

I understood that Barack meant "blessed," but Barack Obama himself jokingly told the crowd at a fancy dinner meeting attended by John McCain (right after the debate where McCain pointed to him and said, "he's the one") that Barack was Swahili for "the one." He also said it was obvious that the person who gave him the middle name of Hussein failed to appreciate he might be running for president of the U.S. one day.

Our new president has a fine sense of humor, and that helps make him likable. He's a more fun guy to be with than Fred, if I may say so.

Submitted by boo boo on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:20pm.

I have it on some authority that Barack was the name of the horse that the Prophet Mohammed road up to heaven on. He must have been a magnificent steed.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 1:33am.


"A vote for the democrats is a vote for terrorists."

"He's a Massachusetts libral!"

"What do you expect from the Hollywood elite?"

"They're California librals...San Francisco Librals...California librals"

After such uninspired divide and conquer politics, I know that it is incredibly hard for some to comprehend whole regions feeling as if a large burden had suddenly been lifted from their chests.

There are reasons that the whole world seems to look more favorably towards The United States today; whether you can see those reasons or not.

ps. Hint for you; many citizens of planet Earth view state-sponsored torture of human beings as a "bad" thing.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 9:27am.

This is America.. not France.. I do not care if the "Whole World" loves us.. in fact if groups like Hamas and Hezbola.. people like Chavez and Kim ping pong N. Korea (you get it)loves us we are in serious trouble.. DIVA.. Terrorist do not want to love us.. and unless you are ready to watch Mullah approved TV.. (MUHUMMAD IDOL) and kneel down twice daily facing Mecca.. you people need to wake up. They do not care how many times we reach out our hand.. They will just chop it off and take the money we offered.. It is a culture with them.. their power base is wrapped up in hatred for America.. They teach their kids to hate us.. they have cartoons about killing us..
THEY SEND THEIR KIDS SONS AND DAUGHTERS TO DIE BY SUICIDE JUST TO KILL A FEW ISRAELIS..AND US IF THEY COULD. You people need to stop applying our history, morals and since of self to these people.. They have a different outlook on life.. and their respect of it is not the same as ours..
In their world.. women if raped get stoned because they brought shame on the family.. and the Rapist well he just says she tempted him and goes free..


and please feel free to enlighten us on what "SWATHS" of Americans have been attacked..

Yep the world loves Obama Link

yep the whole world loves him 2 Link

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 9:44am.

I want democrats to be successful in leading this country. I feel democratic ideas, especially with respect to foreign policy, have proven to be far more promising (reference 2001-2008). It appears that your line of reasoning is going to do much to keep democrats winning elections.

"This is America.. not France.. I do not care if the "Whole World" loves us.. in fact if groups like Hamas and Hezbola.. people like Chavez and Kim ping pong N. Korea (you get it)loves us we are in serious trouble.. DIVA.. Terrorist do not want to love us.. and unless you are ready to watch Mullah approved TV.. (MUHUMMAD IDOL) and kneel down twice daily facing Mecca.. you people need to wake up."

France is our number 9 global trading partner.

The world has 6.7 + BILLION people in it.

You use Hamas and Hezbolah, two groups with memberships in the thousands, and try to equate them to "the world." That is laughable, Lindsey.

We have a global economy. we are in a global fight against stateless terror groups in virtually all corners of the globe.

Are we more effective in getting information on Islamic extremists living in France, Italy, The UK, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, etc with the COOPERATION of those countries and the world community or with the CONSTERNATION of those countries?

Do you find it acceptable that our former Sec Def can be legally arrested in foreign countries for his support and approval of war crimes (which water boarding most certainly is)?

the arrogant feeling that we are so powerful that we can rule the world with no cooperation from any other country has been refuted. You can continue to cling to that thought, but Secretary of State Clinton has hinted that diplomacy is back in our country's tool box. And I believe that's a good thing.

Oh, if they could all still hate us....

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 10:31am.

and my Thanks to you for finally coming out of the Closet and showing us all you would rather have the "Love" of fanatics then protect our Country... I guess the "Goats" comment was correct.. to you that is what the victims of Sept 11th mean to you..
You are definitely part of the "HATE AMERICA FIRST CROWD"
I guess now for the FIRST time in your life you can be proud of your Country too..
I am all teared up...

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 10:52am.

"Thanks to you for finally coming out of the Closet and showing us all you would rather have the "Love" of fanatics then protect our Country... I guess the "Goats" comment was correct.. to you that is what the victims of Sept 11th mean to you.."

Silly boy. Your comments show that you know zip about what is important to me. And that's quite okay with me. But you remind me of the one useful catch phrase to come out of Rush: "Stuck on stupid." Now, I'm not calling you stupid, but your comment did remind me of that Limbaugh beauty.

I will repeat: again, REPEAT: There are over 6.7 billion with a B people on planet Earth. If you want to call them all "fanatics," I'm afraid that reflects more upon your view of this big blue marble than the big blue marble itself. I hit more countries a month than I care to mention. Just finished having breakfast with a group of "fanatics" that seemed quite nice; even if they didn't understand my Steeler T-shirt.

Let's attack your isolationism from a different angle: Why do you think former President Bush attempted to hold a global coalition of forces together to execute the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Doesn't he know these other countries are full of "fanatics?"

Why are we training Turkish, Kuwaiti, Saudi, Qatari, German, Italian, British, Japanese, Spanish, Polish, Australian, Canadian, and more military professionals in our country with our equipment? Why are we based in more countries than we can count on all of our digits? Because the world = Hamas = fanatics who want to kill us? Or because WE NEED THEM?

Is there some other strange reason I'm missing, that we hold up NATO and are always attempting to engage issues like non-proliferation with multi-state coalitions?

I'm just trying to see where your isolationism has actually been successful. And how do we, with no cooperation from those dreaded French that conservatives always demagogue, get accurate information on the activities of Islamic extremists that just may be in France? I imagine cooperating with French President Nicolas Sarkozy is more effective. Plus, we keep his hot wife happy! Personally, I thought it was pretty cool seeing Russian pilots and Russian fighters at American airshows in the Clinton years. That was way, way cool! Much better than isolationism. But without all of the "you're with us or against us" bluster, Vladimir Putin might not have gained his stranglehold on the Glasnost and Perestroika crowd.


is a

GOOD Thing

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:31am.

How to post pictures I'd post one of Sarkozy's wife I took about a month ago. Somehow I ended up with one of him and lots of her.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:33am.

I would too..

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:26am.

But I still do not care to have the United Nations with jurisdiction over the US citizens.. I do not want France with control over our Economy (have you seen theirs).. I do not want Russia dictating our Foreign policies.. being loved equates to most of these as being weak..
Ask any child on the playground would they rather be loved and beatup daily or be strong not so well liked and not brothered.. I betcha they would all almost rather be perceived as the bully instead of the bullied.. Heck even children gets it better then you guys..

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:31am.

Who mentioned anything about UN jurisdiction over Americans?

Mighty big leap of faith there, pardner!

Not surprisingly, the remainder of your childish post urges America to regress to the "code of the playground" (i.e. "Beat someone up or get beat up by someone")....thankfully, most Americans..real Americans... have matured beyond this juvenile world view.
Palin-Nugent 2012

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:25am.

"Blame America first"


"libral bedwetter"

"Terrorist appeaser!"

Just stealing your thunder like Big Ben Roethlisberger! How cool was it to see the President get a post game, center of the field shout out???

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:31am.

That line says it all

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:29am.

The suns calling me! Can't you crank posts out like puppies from a puppy mill? "garvin" can give you some pointers! I'm outta here though. Just flag your response with "I'm ignoring your comments and sticking with the Hamas line" so I know where to respond to.


sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:27am.

I can almost hear the sound and fury all the way over here on the west side of Peachtree City. SLindsey's gonna disgorge quite a bit of bile momentarily...

Duck and Cover!
Palin-Nugent 2012

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:34am.

"I still do not care to have the United Nations with jurisdiction over the US citizens.. I do not want France with control over our Economy (have you seen theirs).. I do not want Russia dictating our Foreign policies.."

Now who in the world EVER said any of what you just wrote? Who on this blog has said being liked and respected by the world means they will now ignore our nuclear arsenal, world class military, and beat us up on some play ground in your mind?

Get your kid off of the keyboard lindsey. Let's have an adult discussion for a change. Don't just make up new arguments when you can't address my points; you know, about us training with and in other countries and all of the other stuff you ignored.

I'm climbing a mountain! That has got to be more fun than watching an argument twist from Hamas to the playground.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:41pm.

Diva.. I have repeatedly asked you and sniffles some very pointed questions and both of you immediately go to the dems playbook and pull out the old "tried and true".. SO when you two start practicing what you preach then maybe you would have the right to accuse until then.. oh well you get the pic..
as to the UN questions read on...

United Nations Control Link

But again.. I am justing pulling another one out from my "buttocks" aren't I..

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 2:00am.

Awesome! Right down to the point where I was going up as others were hurrying down saying, "senor, los banditos empezan muy pronto en la noche!" Kind of put a damper on my love fest with nature. That and the dried blood on the path. Anyhow..

I'm trying to figure out, AGAIN, what in the world you are talking about. Pointed questions you brought up and caused me to go the the "tried and true?" Dems Playbook? Do you see me linking to nutty left wing sites Mr. Heritage Foundation? No, you don't. I tend to use sources like the AP, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, even Fox News. You can't just keep making up arguments and think I'm not going to leave this house and check into a shelter for battered logic! Let's sum the day up for instance. You can scroll to the top and check my facts for accuracy:

1. Chow starts a sour grapes blog about the President of the United States being popular (as if that's a bad thing).

2. I say this: "There are reasons that the whole world seems to look more favorably towards The United States today;" (note to Lindsey: The United States. NOT The President)

3. You twist that into LOVE of the President himself?

"If the World loves him.. I am worried.."
"I do not care if the "Whole World" loves us"
(editor's note: You are the only one on this entire blog to mention "love")

4. Then YOU bring up terrorists, where no one else has.

"Terrorist do not want to love us.. and unless you are ready to watch Mullah approved TV.. (MUHUMMAD IDOL) and kneel down twice daily facing Mecca.. you people need to wake up." ( Smiling You said "you people" Ha!)

Well, okay. To be fair, you only brought up one "terrorist." But you get the point.

5. I then mention the global economy and ask you a question that you completely ignore about international diplomacy and the global fight against extremism:

"Are we more effective in getting information on Islamic extremists living in France, Italy, The UK, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, etc with the COOPERATION of those countries and the world community or with the CONSTERNATION of those countries?"

6.In your oddest twist yet, you, again, bring up LOVE, and even put it in quotes as if I had used it. This would produce an "F" in debate class:

"Thanks to you for finally coming out of the Closet and showing us all you would rather have the "Love" of fanatics then protect our Country."

7. And responding to my disapproval of Donald Rumsfeld approving torture, you place me in the "blame America first" crowd. Problem is, to me, Donald Rumsfeld does not equal America. That's just my wacky liberal thinking at work though.

I'll pretty much stop here. It's strange to have to spell this out to anyone with the ability to bring forth letters and words using a keyboard, but you seem particularly immune to reality. Kind of like talking about the UN when I had brought up NATO. I know, they both have an "N" in them, but I had to go climb mountains on foreign soil just to recage my gyros. You even posted a UN link (which turned out to be standard misinformation) and asked me this:

"as to the UN questions read on...
United Nations Control Link
But again.. I am justing pulling another one out from my "buttocks" aren't I.."

Yes, lindsey! Right out of your rear. You are still the only one talking United Nations, my friend.

No worries. A sure fire way to win a game is to change the rules just prior to each of your moves. Interesting strategy, but I won't be adopting it.

Cheers, and it's happy hour some where.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 7:55am.

Joe the Plumber advises GOP

And they loved him which explains the rest.

Plumber a porcelain doll on stimulus

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 8:22am.

I imagine I should shift my frame of reference a bit. Then I will realize that we are the ones actually stuck in the dogma house.


diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 8:19am.


diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 2:00am.


JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 3:31pm.

Contrary to the Heritage Foundation's report that you linked, the ICC is governed by the Rome Statute which clearly enumerates the rights of the accused in Article 67 and does not deny basic constitutional rights. Rights to a trial are guaranteed, rights to confront one's accusers, etc. It's too long to post here but here is Article 67-1-(e) which clearly refutes the Heritage claim:

“To examine, or have examined, the witnesses against him or her and to
obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his or her behalf
under the same conditions as witnesses against him or her. The accused
shall also be entitled to raise defences and to present other evidence
admissible under this Statute;”

Rome Statute

Furthermore, claiming that ratification of the ICC, “... would restrict U.S. military relations with most countries that are party to the ICC ... America's cooperative relationship with Malaysia, for example, which allows the U.S. Navy to frequent its ports, would be at risk if Malaysia ratifies the treaty, based on agreements about the legal status of visiting forces. Military assistance, such as funding for cooperative military exercises and equipment that is compatible with U.S. armed forces materiel, also would be restricted...” is patently absurd. The ICC mandate is strictly limited to genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression; each carefully enumerated and restricted according to the Geneva Conventions which the US is already a party too.

The problem for the Bush administration was that they did not want an international court venue with the authority to actually prosecute “crimes against humanity” which included the torture they were engaged in.

Except for the Bush administration's fear of being prosecuted for torture, all of this is moot for the United States anyway. The jurisdiction of the ICC only comes into play when a State refuses to investigate or prosecute a citizen. A US citizen charged by an international court with genocide or war crimes would definitely be investigated by US prosecutors.

And again, contrary to the Heritage report, if the US did investigate and/or prosecute there would be no double jeopardy. Article 19-2-(b) removes jurisdiction of the ICC in the case of, “A State which has jurisdiction over a case, on the ground that it is investigating or prosecuting the case or has investigated or prosecuted;” assuming it wasn't some state sponsored kangaroo court like might be found in Liberia or the Sudan.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 5:08pm.

with Sniffles
Submitted by sniffles5 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:31am.
Who mentioned anything about UN jurisdiction over Americans?
Mighty big leap of faith there, pardner!

.. Once again I had to show that there was a connection between the UN and jurisdictions over US Citizens... The ICC could do that if it was recognized as a world court.., however liked your breakdown on it.. very clear... Thanks.. It even cleared up a few issues that I had..
Still just a little leary of though.. Power Corrupts.. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely..

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 5:27pm.

On a totally unrelated subject, do you read Vince Flynn's stuff?

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 5:35pm.

Great Writer.. Love his work...

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 5:51pm.

Check out Randy Wayne White's stuff. Doc Ford, Marine biologist / ex assassin (retired) living on the coast near Tampa that gets drawn into situations requiring his unique skills.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 7:55pm.

sounds like right up my alley.. I will go to Barnes and Nobel tomorrow..
Sounds great... Web Griffin.. Presidential Agent Series is great also.. Castillo is a Special Ops type working almost directly for the President to handle those situations that can not go public.. Sort of a Mitch Rapp but with a team...

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 8:31pm.

Matt Reilly and the Scarecrow, and Lincoln Child and Doug Preston start with the Reliquary, a great read. I love W.E.B. Griffin, though I'm still waiting out those Marines in Korea.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 8:30pm.

Try Robert Ludlums Covert One series.. Great read also..

The Covert One Series Link

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 9:44pm.

I read all those! If you like submarine warfare get Patrick Robinson's stuff. Great books although he disses Dad. I sent him a nastygram. He was unswayed. Some people...

If you like outrageously funny Florida stuff get Tom Dorsey's series. The most lovable character is Serge a serial killer. Read them in order. Not for the kiddies. Really. Not for the kiddies.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 8:43am.

I got most if not all of Patricks stuff.. and yes he is a little hard on daddy C..

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:38am.

You would have to leave your ideology at home.. You are to blinded by the party to see anything else..

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:07pm.

He, she, or whatever diva is spouts out nothing but mindless horsesqueeze. You're better off trying to reason with a 2 year old.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 8:52am.

Fred.. Diva is done.. I am through with her/him whatever.. I have tried to ask Diva some serious questions to get her/him thinking maybe there is a different answer a different possibility she/he post blanket statements then refuses to defend them..,(and please feel free to enlighten us on what "SWATHS" of Americans have been attacked..)everytime she/he comes back with a diversion or witty sarcasm just like a liberal (which he/she can not spell)to deflect a question.. Diva accused me many times of "pulling it out of my buttocks" but when I provide fact and backup to my ascertions she/he along with sniff just transits to a different attack...and still will not answer a simple question.. It is great to be so all knowing that a different perspective can be so readily dismissed..
So she/he may post to her/his little heart's content.. anytime she/he feels like opening up a real dialogue and discuss real issues not in the dems playbook then maybe I will respond other then that she/he can go suck wind... Like I said trying to teach pigs to sing just frustrates you and pisses off the pig... and I am really frustrated.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 1:35am.

How many times have I told you how to resolve your curiosity of who or what I am and what, exactly, I believe in? You and the AWOL Richard Hobbs talk A WHOLE LOT about using real names and not hiding in anonymity, yet I suspect we'll have to have the next group meeting at your anit-Obama compound if we are EVER to meet the REAL "fred garvin."

Have you ever heard the expression that if certain people are against you, you're doing something right? That pretty much sums up the whole horse squeeze argument; you know..... from a guy "concerned" about the economic well being of one of President Obama's half brothers in Africa, or "rotten canned fish," or some flag in Baltimore, or the "socialist ties" of a climate official.

I'd love for us non-anonymity seeking bloggers to meet you "fred." Many of us can give you very valuable pointers on seeking, getting, and keeping a life. Hutch can even get your back swing tracking correctly. Dawn can get you in the trivia and / or karaoke circuit, and Cyclist can probably get you soloed out! Quite honestly, you could use some not jokingly or factitiously.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:43pm.

Like trying to teach a pig to sing.. Frustrates you and pisses off the pig..
and a 2 year old would understand things better then these two..

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 3:06pm.

I doubt you really intended to be funny, but thanks for the pig reference, brightened my afternoon. I often refer to pigs, as in flying . . .have several flying pigs in my office that I point to on occasion. (Like when Git gives me a deadline or something) Thanks for the chuckle.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 4:56pm.


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