Crisis...Recession... Deflation...Depression.

That is the progression of the economy and Obama is helpless to stop it. We’re in the deflation stage now. I’m giving 2-1 odds on this. If I’m wrong, I pay you $2. If I’m right, You pay me $1. Minimum bet $1000. Any Takers?

Most Current Reason: The US’ three largest banks, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America & Citigroup are on the brink of failure. Their total credit default swaps total 15 Trillion dollars and that doesn’t include bad real estate and commercial paper loans.

Obama intends to spend 2 Trillion of not just bank bailouts but for all the economic rot. That’s going to make our Pres. More than $13 Trillion short. There ain’t that much real money in the world. Crank-up the paper dollar printing presses. After depression - hyper-inflation. That’s when you order a hamburger costing $100 and when you finish eating it you pay $110.

Confucius say: You cannot outlaw gravity.
Translation: Obama cannot turn back clock & reverse past financial sins.

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dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Fri, 01/30/2009 - 1:42pm.

With all the recent talk about pork, what I want to know is "Where's the beef?".

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