Today is the Republican Wake-Up Call

NUK_1's picture

I honestly hope McCain gets landslided and the House and Senate majorities for the Dems increase. After 8 years of Republican FAIL where by Repubs from the head dude in the White House all the way down to the local levels betrayed anything resembling being a "conservative," it's time to pay the price.

Repubs can spend the next 4 years trying to get their act together and determine what kind of political party they are going to be....a bunch of whacko far-right religious extremists out of touch with reality and reason, or a party that truly believes in fiscal prudence, small and limited government, and policies that promote freedom, liberty and responsibility. The Repubs have lost all sense of what got them elected for the most part, and it's not Mccain that is dragging them down and not really even Bush for the most part, it's the party as a WHOLE who abandoned their principles the moment they got a taste of what Washington power can do for THEM.

The fact that a lot of the "base" thinks Palin is a great candidate for the future should be sounding alarm bells all over the country as an indicator that the Repubs are in danger of becoming completely irrelevant if they continue the downward spiral of thinking they can win simply by being anti-abortion and lovin' the Baby Jesus, with every other principle up for negotiation or for sale to the highest bidder. The voters expect,deserve and demand more and will get it elsewhere.

I voted McCain simply because I think Obama's policies are even worse than the usual far lefties, but it was only because the other choice was Non-Libertarian and really bad candidate for any office, Bob Barr.

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Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 2:08pm.

Great post.

This should be a wake-up call for the Repub party to get their house in order and stop bending over for the far right extremists. And what ever happened to fiscal conservatism in the Republican party? The right-wing wackjobs have hijacked the Repub party and it is truly a shame.

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